New to Jogging: 5k or 15k???

I am new to jogging. I started on 9/21/14 with jogging on my bosu ball (to help my body adjust to the impact). I did the same thing the next day, and got some pretty painful blisters. So I rested from jogging, invested in wicking socks and running shoes. On 9/27/14, I went outside and jogged around my neighborhood, and was able to do 3.92 miles in 40 minutes.

I still practice on my bosu during the week, and go outside on the weekends. This past Saturday, I was able to do 4.16 miles in 35 minutes. I did take small walking breaks here and there, but I jogged for 95% of it.

I plan to do a 5k in December, but my question is, if I continue with training 3 days a week, would it be possible for me to do the 15k instead? Or should I pump my brakes and not get ahead of myself. Is it a reasonable goal to think I can do a 15k in 2 months with so little experience with this type of exercise?

I do have the C25k app, but it drives me a little bonkers to stop and walk for 90 seconds, when I know I still have the gas to jog. So I end up ignoring some of the prompts, and paying close attention to HRM, to make sure I don't let my HR get out of control.

Thoughts or suggestions?


  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    First if you can run 4 miles there is absolutely no need to do the couch to 5k. If it were me I'd wait on the 15k. Distance in the 8-13 mile range require a gradual build or you can hurt yourself. Hal Higdon has a 10 week 15k program if you think you want to attempt it, but listen to your body and not push it.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    @5512bf thank you for your input. I probably will ditch the C25k app. I will look in to the Hal Higdon program and look it over to see if it is something I can feasibly do. I definitely will do the 5k, and I have until 11/15/14 to make a decision. So that is a good amount of time to make an informed decision.
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    5512bf wrote: »
    First if you can run 4 miles there is absolutely no need to do the couch to 5k. If it were me I'd wait on the 15k. Distance in the 8-13 mile range require a gradual build or you can hurt yourself. Hal Higdon has a 10 week 15k program if you think you want to attempt it, but listen to your body and not push it.

    THIS ^^^^
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Don't do the 15k. Stick with the 5k for now. And find a 15k for 2015
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I use to think that "I can't run due to bad knees". The reality was that I was starting off to fast with the mileage. When I started slow and gradually added mileage, I had no knee pain at all. My first race was a half marathon and I had no trouble.
  • sstolii123
    sstolii123 Posts: 205 Member
    You are already running a 5K and then some at 3.92 miles and you are around a ten minute pace. No reason to use a couch to 5k plan. I would look at a 10k training program or a beginner half marathon training plan instead.
  • Badger_Girl99
    Badger_Girl99 Posts: 2,220 Member
    Start out with the fact get a few under your belt before you even try for a 15K. You need to get used being in a race (pace, etc. is always different), and going straight for a 15K off the bat is probably not the best idea.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will table the 15k, and do the 5k. And I will find a 10k training schedule in the meantime, since like it was mentioned before is the best bet for me right now. I was being silly using a 5k training schedule, but I thought I should start with that since I was new. I wasn't thinking of the fact that I was already doing 5k.

    Thanks again for all of the good advice! :)
  • goanothermile
    goanothermile Posts: 98 Member
    You're getting good advice.

    You general level of fitness must be pretty good. For people who start out pretty fit, it is tempting to overdo it at the beginning. It seems pretty aggressive to go from a bosu ball right into 3.92 miles at a 10 minute pace in just a few days.

    The intervals that C25k uses are designed to let you build up gradually and avoid injury. Your whole body has to work together to run. The stress- lungs, heart, core, legs, knees, feet, ankles, etc. Lots of different muscles come into play and most of us have imbalances somewhere. Doesn't sound like you need C25k specifically, but you can learn from the strategy.

    Rather than trying to pick a giant goal (15k, half marathon, etc), use that enthusiasm to focus on running consistency. If 3 times per week fits your schedule, get on a plan that builds the long run. Hal Higdon's novice 10k might be a good fit.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I loved the C25K app by Zen Labs. After my 5k I downloaded their Couch to 10K app. The first 8 weeks are exactly the same as the 5k app so just start on week 9 of the new trainer app. Or find a half marathon training app.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    @deevanderbles thank you for the app recommendation and what week to start at.

    @goanothermile I'll admit that I probably went too hard during my first outside run b/c my heart rate was spiking out of control during some parts. I have since paced myself, so I can generally keep my HR at a steady pace while jogging now. So I have been learning from my errors. I now use the bosu b/c it allows me to still get a jog in while watching prime time tv (sad I know, but fall prime time tv is the best).