Vitamin C may help burn 30% more fat when exercising

Good news. Dr. Oz says we need 1,200 mg (I think) of Vitamin C a day, split in half and take 2x a day. He says it's important for the body to melt the fat and without it in our systems we could exercise and not lose well.

Also, someone found a study that showed there could be an increase of 30% fat burn while exercising if you have the Vitamin C in your system

I need all the help I can get, I'm going to add it in to my day.


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    I love Doctor Oz, so I'll be buying vitamin c this weekend
  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    Thanks for the tip, I have vitamin C now I am defenitely going to be taking it.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I need all the help I can get, I'm going to add it in to my day.

    YEP........any extra help can def be thrown my way! thanks for the tip! :flowerforyou:
  • Anely05
    Anely05 Posts: 15
    Yes I saw that too on Dr. Oz...I love him...I DVR his shows everyday. I'm currently taking chewable vitamin C tablets!
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    thanks I AM Increasing my vit C tomorrow
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks for the post. I think we are suppose to take vitamin c ( 500 milligrams) 2x a day. And vitamin d1200 mg.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    An article by Dr. Oz indicated a suggested 1200 a day. We definintely need more Vitamin D than is the RDA. There is an interesting website about Vitamin D, called The Vitamin D Council. (A group of doctors who do research in the area). Since Vitamin D is actually a hormone and not a vitamin the amount each person needs can vary. Today the doctors are even doing blood tests to see if we are deficient (it's the new IN test). I THINK AT LEAST 1000 iu a day is important on D, I take more myself but I know I am deficient.

    I love learning more about how the body works, what a great thing to be able to do.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    thanks sunnysmiles!

    I personally take 2 tablets of Vitamin C ( once in the morning and once in the evening - before bed) 1000mg a day. And 2000 iu a day of Vitamin D and calcium.
  • Barbboomer
    I can't believe somewhere along the road I forgot the Viramin C !!!! Sheesh!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Me too,and what is amazing is that there is such a strong correlation between vitamin C and vitamin D and weight loss. I definintely was of the mentality (that Dr. Oz mentioned) which is the more you exercise the more you lose, and he said that without enough Vitamin C to melt the fat we could exericse forever and not lose well. So it's interesting how our bodies work.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    WOW, thanks sunnysmiles for the great tips..
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    Can someone please explain to me what class="strong">vitamin C is? or am I missing it and it's just regular vitamin c?
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Can someone please explain to me what class="strong">vitamin C is? or am I missing it and it's just regular vitamin c?

    I am not sure about "strong" vitamin C. I like Ester C as it's easier to digest, less acidic I think. I take a total of 1200 mg a day. Dr. Oz suggests breaking it up into 2 doses morning and night.
  • canstey
    canstey Posts: 118
    Here is the actual research on the possible impact of Vitamin C on fat oxidation and that is not the same thing as weight loss.

    People who are going to increase their Vitamin C intake should really read the last two paragraphs in the discussion.

    Here is a decent article summarizing some research on the subject.
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Interesting articles. While the actual effects are inconclusive right now based on research, I say..."can't hurt" I take it. Right now I am taking 2000 mg once per day, but they are slow release tablets...maybe I should split them up and take one in morning and one at night.

    Am not taking Vitamin D...but am going to Costco this weekend so may have to invest in them. I know that Vitamin C is water soluble, so one can't overdose on it...what about vitamin D? Is there such a thing at TOO much vitamin D?
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Here is the actual research on the possible impact of Vitamin C on fat oxidation and that is not the same thing as weight loss.

    People who are going to increase their Vitamin C intake should really read the last two paragraphs in the discussion.

    Here is a decent article summarizing some research on the subject.

    Thank You

    How you get:
    Vitamin C may help burn 30% more fat when exercising

    Out of:
    These preliminary results show that low vitamin C status may reduce fat oxidation during submaximal exercise and that reduced fat oxidation during exercise was related to fatigue. It is possible that increased fatigue and less reliance on fat as a fuel during activity may influence eventual weight gain. Thus, in addition to emphasizing calorie control and physical activity, attention to specific diet components such as vitamin C may be necessary for effective weight management

    Is beyond my comprehension.

    In other words, the study says what we already new. Eat Right, Excercise, and if that's not working you might want to look at your Viamin C levels (among other things) to see if they're difficent.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Here is the actual research on the possible impact of Vitamin C on fat oxidation and that is not the same thing as weight loss.

    People who are going to increase their Vitamin C intake should really read the last two paragraphs in the discussion.

    Here is a decent article summarizing some research on the subject.

    Thank You

    How you get:
    Vitamin C may help burn 30% more fat when exercising

    Out of:
    These preliminary results show that low vitamin C status may reduce fat oxidation during submaximal exercise and that reduced fat oxidation during exercise was related to fatigue. It is possible that increased fatigue and less reliance on fat as a fuel during activity may influence eventual weight gain. Thus, in addition to emphasizing calorie control and physical activity, attention to specific diet components such as vitamin C may be necessary for effective weight management

    Is beyond my comprehension.

    In other words, the study says what we already new. Eat Right, Excercise, and if that's not working you might want to look at your Viamin C levels (among other things) to see if they're difficent.

    I have two sources of info, take it, don't take it, I can't prove anything right or wrong. Dr. Oz mentioned 1200 mg a day for helping melt fat, he said you could watch calories and exercise and still not melt fat without enough C in body. He did a segment on the show where he equated our body needing that amount of C per day (600mg at breakfast / 600 mg at dinner) to melting butter in a pan to liquify it. That is all I am trying to pass along. He has articles he's written on the subject that may explain it further.

    The 30% increased calorie burn comment I made was as a result of a study someone else on MFP read that showed that there was an increased calorie burn for rats or it could be mice when exercising with proper amount of C in body. I am sure I indicated that that is a possibility, I can't prove any of this. Just passing along what I have heard.

    I haven't yet read the articles you quoted as your source, and I certainly am not implying that your articles is the source of my comments but thank you for implying that it was.

    Someone else asked about Vitamin D. I was told that there is no danger in taking D3 at a level of 1000 ius per day. You might have a vitamin D deficiency blood test done, this is more common now and can help determine if you are deficient. For myself, I have found that taking the Vitamin D is helping me lose. This is my anecdotal comment, please don't ask me to prove it. I meant well in passing along the info.

    And one thing I will say, I don't know if you are obese "iplayoutside19 " but there are articles that indicate people who are obese have reduced levels of both Vitamin D and Vitamin C in their systems. It is not known if being obese is the reason for the deficiency, or if the deficiency is part of why people are obese. Before you suggest simply eating right as the answer, perhaps you can realize that plenty of people eat right and still have weight issues, and there are plenty of different gene variants and combinations in humans. In my case a DNA test showed I have a variant in my Vitamin D receptor, I was told to increase my D amount and it has helped me lose 44 pounds since mid-February. I am not saying I did that without counting my calories or exercising but I can say that I am losing more easily than before and am not regaining as I might have in the past. So a little more tolerance for people being different might be nice to see, and a little less attacking. You hit a nerve with the way you asked "how you get 30% from this is beyond YOUR comprehension" ... you drew that correlation, not me. And frankjly I have to question your COMPREHENSION. I wish you luck in whatever your MFP goal is.