Just started my fitness pal

Just started about 2 weeks ago. I like tracking my food and exercise. And trying to stick with the calorie maximum intake but with all the fairs and festivals it's been hard. This is a "women's" football time. lol Myself, my mother and grandmother and sister when she's in town all go out to the fairs for the best steals, and food we can find. I bought some dip which calls for 1 cup sour cream and 1 cup mayo. I plan on using it for Thanksgiving and / or Christmas. Otherwise I would probably sit and eat a whole cup by myself.
Anyway, I would like to have a group of people to talk with to encourage and be encouraged through this process. Started at 253 and now going up and down from 233 to 239. So discouraging. I am 5'11" but would like to be 160 lbs. I felt my best at that weight. So I have 73 to 79 lbs to lose.


  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    You got this! Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • vitalmommy68
    vitalmommy68 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am new here too. I am 5'11 and haven't weighed myself yet but feel about 290ish from my last weigh in at a doctor's appt a couple of months ago. I want to be at 175. I know what you mean about discouraging!!!!! I need some support too because this is going to be a long journey... I think we are in the right place though.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    yo i did it and Im 5'11 - you totally can too.
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    Welcome!! It is actually a lot easier (for me anyway) on here with counting calories then doing it on my own as I was before. The best is it does all the work in counting for you :smile:
    p.s. I love all the people we can chat to when we have the munchies on here from all over the world.
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome! It's great that you have a goal weight. Be sure to write it down other than these message boards. You are so much more likely to reach your goal when you have it written down in front of you for a constant reminder! And I know fall can be challenging, especially with football and the holidays, but track what you eat so you can really see what you are consuming AND post here for any support you need!

    Since you already have a goal weight in mind, what are you currently doing to reach your goal? It sounds like nutrition can be a bit difficult (and I know the feeling this season). So take it slow if needed. Defintiely don't eat that whole cup of dip, but also incorporate healthy meals into your diet. No need to cut out everything right off the bat! Make slow but steady changes that you can stick with - healthy meals here and there and limit the not-so-healthy foods on most days.

    Additionall, what are you doing for exercise? Eating healthy is very important, but to help see results even faster you should exercise as well. Walking, jogging, going to the gym? Home workout program? Adding these, even a 10-minute workout in the morning or evening if you're super busy is better than no workout at all!

    We're help to motivate and support however we can! Feel free to add me and keep posting for all the help you can get!