Rejoining the site after scale scare

alyci Posts: 50 Member
I had joined myfitnesspal months ago and never remembered to log in. I have never been completely happy with my weight but I have always found excuses not to change it. After seeing the number on the scale last week I decided that I needed some serious motivation to lose the baby weight after a year and get back down to my pre-pregnancy jeans. Today is the first day of a hopefully long journey.

My husband while wonderfully supportive. He claims to be happy with me the way I am. While that is very sweet it does not hold any accountability so it is all on me and I struggle with that. I'm hoping to meet a few other people who will encourage and I can encourage them back.

I don't believe in self denial but I think moderation is the key to everything. So I am hoping to not have to cut anything completely out of my diet but simply moderate to proper amounts. So soda, ice cream and candies will still be on my meal plans but in much smaller quantities and less often.

The current plan is a 1200-1300 calorie diet, but that may be adjusted once I see how my body reacts to the changes. I will also be adding in 10 minute work outs alternating toning and cardio 4-5 times a week, again this may change as I learn how my body reacts. My current goal is to lose 30 pounds, I don't have a deadline in mind yet. I am hoping just a pound a week will be gradual enough I can keep the weight off long term.


  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    You can do it. Feel free to add me if you want to hear about my journey, need support, advice, and or motivation. My name is Steve. I have been there and know what you are going through. In January of this year my wife went with me to the doctor. I stepped on the scale and my jaw could have hit the floor. I weighed in at 341 pounds the biggest I have ever been. I had high blood pressure, hypertension, high cholesterol and was pre-diabetic taking meds for most of those. We decided then that it was time for a change. I wanted to be around for the family that we plan on having. It's taken me since January and I am down 110 pounds and am off all the meds. I have done it slowly with a lifestyle change and support. Feel free to add me because I have been in your shoes. I know what it feels like. I am not done losing weight but I am on the right path. Remember, you can do it but it does take time.
