to get it and stick with it?



  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    Motivation is as individual as a person's favorite color. And surprisingly the longing to be in a smaller size pants typically is not enough of a motivator for most ... I know that was true for me.

    In order to genuinely be motivated to do anything, often times it takes a lot of self reflection with an almost unforgiving truthful eye - which may be rather difficult for some.

    For some, motivation comes from their competitive nature (ie. I'm going to lose more weight than so-and-so), while other is for the love of others (ie. I need to get healthy so that I can play with my children at the park without being out of breath walking to the car), and some come to the realization of their own mortality (ie. father had a heart attack & died at 40 attributed largely to being obese & they're turning 40 this year).

    For me it was the fear of diabetes and my goal was never to lose weight per say. It was always focused on eating healthier & incorporating regular physical activities into my life. In focusing on eating healthier & starting a regular exercise routine, I lost weight on the way - it was more like a added side effect of my goal and not I wanted to lose weight to get healthier. That little change in my own approach took the pressure off to 'lose X amount of pounds' by X amount of time because I understood, that I wanted my life to change in it's entirety and not just a temporary fix to fit into this season's cutest pair of jeggins.

    Whatever it maybe for you, only you can decide what that is because I do strongly believe that motivation is the key difference between 'another diet' vs. a 'lifestyle change.'

    A commitment to transforming the status quo to a healthier life has to be more like 'I have to do this because [Insert Reason Here]' Rather than that loose rattling doorknob on the bathroom door. I should fix it because it's annoying & irritating. But it just never quite seem to rate high enough on the list of priorities where other more pertinent things 'always comes up & take precedence.' ie. changing the light bulk in the kitchen.

    SO ... I'd highly recommend a nice sit-down with yourself and have that heart-to-heart as to why you want to have a healthier life. Best of luck to you!