I have no idea where to start!

Hi everyone.. I'm desperate for motivation and support.. any suggestions?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Welcome! Have you entered your stats and received a calorie/macro goal?
  • valligurl27
    valligurl27 Posts: 9 Member
    yes I did that .. this is my second time trying out this site. I'm 43, need to lose 90-100lbs, and I have COPD. I have no motivation :(
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi nice to meet you. My name is Steve. Feel free to add me for support and motivation. I have been there and know what you are going through. In January of this year my wife went with me to the doctor. I stepped on the scale and my jaw could have hit the floor. I weighed in at 341 pounds the biggest I have ever been. We decided then that it was time for a change. I wanted to be around for the family that we plan on having. It's taken me since January and I am down 110 pounds. I have done it slowly with a lifestyle change and support. Feel free to add me because I have been in your shoes. I know what it feels like. I am not done losing weight but I am on the right path.

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    yes I did that .. this is my second time trying out this site. I'm 43, need to lose 90-100lbs, and I have COPD. I have no motivation :(

    Welcome to MFP ... It's good you reached out and it looks like you are making connections with people who are wanting to be your friends on here.

    Speaking for myself, I have found that I need to be my own best and strongest supporter because no one else can do this for me but myself. And when I talk too much about the newest information I've learned from researching and reading my friends get turned off and tune me out. One was a good enough friend to clue me in ... she said I think too much, and talk too much about what I'm trying to accomplish ... and it bores the heck out of her.

    So I have been learning how to keep it moderate to those around me and use the threads on the community section of MFP a lot for motivation. I get a lot of motivation out of reading some of the success stories on the community page ... and running across people like @shfoster0721 ... Steve.

    I also get motivation from keeping my food diary updated every day and weighing in on a regular basis ... because I tend to be a detail-oriented person I get a lot of feedback from my own stats ... and have made positive changes in my eating habits.

    I image that your COPD makes it difficult for you to be as active physically as you'd like to be to augment your weight loss efforts ... but believe me, you don't have to work out at a gym or anywhere else for hours on end to lose weight. Exercise doesn't make you lose weight ... it is eating less calories than you burn. What exercise does do is tone your body and make it more efficient at burning those calories you eat through improved metabolism .... and you can get that just from walking ... which is a great all-around body toner.

    Good luck. Hope to catch you on here again.
  • valligurl27
    valligurl27 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks.. I just need to figure out what exercises I can do and a healthier eating plan.
  • Hey I'm new here too not sure where to start either ,hey valligurl where u from me originally cali
  • valligurl27
    valligurl27 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Calliope.. looks lot I have a lot of reading to do.
    Maintlady i am from Happy Valley, Labrador
  • ballardf
    ballardf Posts: 56 Member
    Hi valligurl27. I'm 51 years old and like you, have COPD. I will tell you for me, losing weight has really helped. I am up to 40 minutes of cardio on my treadmill daily. I am also a type 2 diabetic. MFP has been great for me. So much info and support. Welcome and feel free to add me!!
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    edited October 2014
    Stay positive and log everything. Also try to get some walking in every day.


  • KathyPerry70
    KathyPerry70 Posts: 40 Member
    Baby steps... Make small changes as you go along and as you start to see results you should feel more motivated. But don't expect too much too soon. My biggest tip would be more water. If you're not already drinking it, do that. I find that on days when I don't drink enough, I tend to eat more. I aim for the 8 glasses recommended here. Some will drink way more, others will say it's not at all necessary. I say it helps me. Warm water with a slice of lemon first thing in the morning has become the way I start my day. All the best.