TDEE and BMR ?

Hey all. Im 4'11, 184lbs, 23 years old, workout 8-45 mins a day for 6 days, then a day off. TDEE is 2200 BMR is 1400 how many cals should I eat? Do I have to eat the same cals everyday to lose weight or can I fluctuate everyday? On my rest day how many cals should I eat?


  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    edited October 2014
    Could try TDEE -20%. That's roughly 1800 cal/day. If you're doing a TDEE calculation, that means you're looking at the entire week's activity rather than each day individually. You'd want to eat the same amount each day. If you were logging your exercise calories (which you shouldn't be with the TDEE -X% method), then you'd want eat based on that day's activity.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Your TDEE is the amount of calories to maintain your weight. Your BMR is the minimum # of calories your body needs to cover all basic function. So, somewhere in between the two is a good goal - say 1800. No, you dont have to eat exactly the same amount every day. As long as your weekly average is closer to your daily goal, you should still lose weight. The way the TDEE method works is that your exercise burns are averaged over the week so your daily goal doesn't change.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    As long as your weekly average is closer to your daily goal, you should still lose weight. The way the TDEE method works is that your exercise burns are averaged over the week so your daily goal doesn't change.

    Or that, yeah. It's the total calories per week that would matter. For example, you could eat more than your goal one day and less another as long as it all averages out to the same approximate daily amount.

  • kristinhull1
    kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
    How would I figure out my total cals for week and how much I was off of my goal. Im so lost.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    ... You're not lost.

    You've figured your TDEE. We've suggested eating at a daily goal of 1800 based on that. We've also said that you can go over under that goal as long as you're averaging around 1800 calories per day.
  • KingRat79
    KingRat79 Posts: 125 Member
    take your TDEE, then eat 10-20% fewer calories, eat this way for four weeks. Weigh yourself each day, don't worry about daily fluctuations in weight but keep a note of your weight over the period. At the end of four weeks if you have lost weight your are eating below your TDEE if you have not lost weight then your eating TDEE or close to it, if you have gained weight then your eating above TDEE. aim to loose 1 lb or 0.5kgs a week. adjust the calories you're consuming to fine tune things and repeat the above cycle.
  • Hey all. Im 4'11, 184lbs, 23 years old, workout 8-45 mins a day for 6 days, then a day off. TDEE is 2200 BMR is 1400 how many cals should I eat? Do I have to eat the same cals everyday to lose weight or can I fluctuate everyday? On my rest day how many cals should I eat?


    I'm 4'10" ;) ... although twice as old! HAHAHA

    There's a HUGE variation in your daily activity so I'd really advise against following the TDEE # because TDEE is based on your activity level. So if you can't be more consistent in the duration, you risk over-consuming.

    Because we are SO little (& fun :) ) you REALLY have to customize A LOT. I'd HIGHLY recommend eating the standard MFP 1200 calories a day to start. When you exercise eat only a portion of the calories back to create the calorie deficit to lose weight.

    For example:
    Allotted Daily Calories: 1200
    Exercise Calorie Credit: 200
    Total Calories to Consume: 1300
    Calorie Deficit: 100

    I know it's a little scary at first to look at that 1200 allotted calories & go 'O-M-G that's SO little!' HOWEVER, considering we are the size of the average 3rd of 4th grader, it's what we kind of need to make amends with.

    Best of luck to you!

  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    edited October 2014
    Here's what I did to start - let MFP set my goal to 1200 using my stats and very little activity setting. I add my activity in manually using the Exercise feature. As with the poster above, I eat back half my exercise calories. Went with that until I got comfortable with the routine and this site.

    Bookmarked all the posts relating to TDEE & BMR, logging calories, etc.

    Once I was comfortable with everything (a few weeks into it), I started reading the bookmarked posts and articles and adjusting my calories (100 calories at a time up or down). The light bulbs went on! But at first, I was as confused as you are now. Don't let it overwhelm you. Just get started and come back to the details later. Good luck!