Is safe to do weight training during pregnancy? Need advice

Hi everybody :smile:

I finished to do Insanity program in Sept and I started to do some weight training at home with Les Mill Pump videos... I never felt better in my life but just last week I discovered I am pregnant , 5w 6 days today. ..I am very glad for the new and I was thinking continue with some weight training while I can do it, but my mother -in-law and my mother say I should not lift weight or do any exercise. I do not know much about the topic because is my first pregnancy and I would like some advices from this community, here I have found a lot of people who can give valuable advices.

Thanks for your help


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I suspect that this is question that should be discussed with your doctor not a bunch of random strangers on the Internet.
  • ketb22
    ketb22 Posts: 4
    Yeah I'd say your doctor is your best bet. Yoga is probably a better alternative that doing a bunch of weight lifting. You will have to avoid certain positions but find the right instructor and they can teach you some safe prenatal yoga moves. That would build/maintain your muscle strength but also not overexert your body. You are growing another human being after all! Congrats!
  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    I don't know about weight training, but my mom swears that lots and lots of walking was the best thing she ever did while pregnant. She didn't walk with my middle sister and that was the only birth that hurt. *looks around* Congrats and good luck!
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    You really need to talk to your doctor...I hesitate to give you any advice, because I don't know your situation...if you have blood pressure issues, or what-have-you.

    I will tell you though, my doctor said that I can continue doing whatever training program I was doing before I got pregnant, though I would have to be aware of not overheating, making sure to stay hydrated, eating enough, and making sure my heart rate stayed around 65-70% of max. I was in the Army with my first pregnancy and I did fine, even running five miles three times a week, until my belly started to bounce too much and put some strain on my lower back. I also did pushups, situps and pullups until my belly got in the way. (Note, I was on PT restrictions, so I didn't do PT with my unit, but my restriction was written for my own speed and intensity...) Once my belly got too big, then I stuck to walking with weights on my ankles and in my hands, or I carried a weighted rucksack. I was also stationed in Germany at the time, and I didn't have a car, so I walked everywhere! I gained a healthy 30lbs with him, and the weight came off within 6 months.

    YMMV, so please get clearance from your doctor first! Mine is just anecdotal...NOT advice!

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Talk to your doctor. I did weight training throughout my first pregnancy, but I had been using weights for awhile and my doctor was fine with it. If you get the ok from your doc, you will need to modify your exercises during pregnancy because you're not supposed to do exercises on your back after a certain point.
  • clamoru
    clamoru Posts: 15 Member
    I suspect that this is question that should be discussed with your doctor not a bunch of random strangers on the Internet.

    Yes , I should talk with the doctor, but I am in the early pregnancy, still I have to wait one week for my appointment and I just asking to other people. By the way I am very healthy person, I do not have any kind of medical condition (blood pressure, diabetes or other thing) and I just want a healthy pregnancy.... I will walk more, maybe a few miles per day
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    You're early, you're fine. If you were doing it before you'll be ok, listen to your body and any new pain. When you have your 1st appt go over it.