Lost 25 pounds, gained 35 back, now I'm gonna loose it all again and keep it off!

sydneyannewyma Posts: 23 Member
edited October 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Well my title kinda says it all. I joined MFP a little over a year ago. My starting weight was around 150. I got all the way down to 125. Then I stopped working out, I stopped watching my weight, and I'm now at a all time high of 160. I know from the last time I was on this site that I am absolutely and completely capiable of losing the weight again. My 1st goal is 140 pounds. Once I reach that I will strive to hit my over all goal of 125 again. What got me there was running, a variety of beach body excersizes and the number one contributer was this site right here. The support of the commuty on MFP and the easy access ways to record my excersize and food calorie intake really helped make it possible. So I ask any one who reads this to please feel free to add me. You guys are what helped make it possible last time!
Now a little about me besides my sad little weight loss and weight gain story
My name is Sydney, I am 18 and live in New Mexico. I work on my feet all day at a gas station/convienent store (You can probably guess how I gained so much weight back, oops. Those oreos will get to you) I have 3 dogs, 2 cats, and I love nature! (:
I would LOVE to hear your guys' goals and your favorite work out and reccomendations for me.
So go ahead and let me hear em! Don't forget to add me as well!


  • Dumbbell69
    Dumbbell69 Posts: 199 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Sydney, I'm Steve. Nice to meet you. I'm 37 and a teacher. You can lose that weight. I started in January and have lost 110 pounds. If you want to chat, get advice, support, or motivation. Send me a message. I just sent you a request.