Baby food?



  • redrosepink09
    The baby food diet probably does work, and you most likely will loose weight. But is it really a way to live? I couldn't imagine living on baby food! hahah!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Maybe baby food is perfect for you. You should try it out. Only drawback is it's relatively expensive mush.
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    I love the 'puddings' which are just fruit puree, especially when i was struggling with food, i did lose weight. Can't imaging wanting to eat the main meals though. THey sound and smell bad!
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    baby food is expensive and most of it doesn't taste all that good :\ i wouldn't suggest it..
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    Lol... The sheer amount of dumb ideas on this website is mind-boggling...

    Baby food is VERY high in calories - it's supposed to be because babies NEED to put on weight and grow.

    For the price of a "Meal's worth" of baby food, you could make a phenomenal salad that would fill you up, be very healthy, and NOT make you look completely crazy while you're eating it...

    Baby food diet... Lol...
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Jeez! just learn to eat REAL food and stop that crazy nonsense of starving yourself at 700-1000 cals a day.
  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    i ... um.... ew.

    I refused to feed that stuff to my own kids. I sure as heck don't want to eat it myself.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Ok sounds random but i decided to buy biscuits for babies due to them being low cal/fat and they also have some vits/iron which i need
    they're pretty good! And i've heard of celebrities doing baby food diets where they just eat baby food or replace a meal with baby food and was wondering has anyone tried it? Does it work? Do they actually taste nice? (considering the jar food doesn't look pretty- although it's tempting to try the puddings! haha)
    I'm trying to eat between 700-1000 cals a day & Before anyone shouts at me i'm not very active, i just do at least my 30 day shred a day and i'm very small haha I just want to be petite than small and pudgy/fat
    Thanks guys! :)
    You're not eating enough by far, if you keep eating at that level, you'll seriously damage your health, and you are highly unlikely to achieve the look you're after as you'll be losing plenty of lean mass along the way. And yeah - baby food diets? Very bad idea.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I ate baby food once. Then I got my teeth and advanced to grownup food.
  • daylilies
    daylilies Posts: 92
    All baby food really is is stuff you can buy and make yourself, like mashed sweet potatoes or carrots or peas, applesauce and other pureed fruits, but I personally think whole fruits and vegs are better, don't you? and the ones with meat in them are really low quality, you're better off making your own beef stew or turkey or pasta with chicken. It'll taste better and be better for you.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Baby food?

    I thought the title of this thread was asking if babies were ok to eat.

    I am more than relieved to see that is not the case.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    Baby food?

    I thought the title of this thread was asking if babies were ok to eat.

    I am more than relieved to see that is not the case.

    If you get 'em before they start rolling over, it'd be like veal.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I just threw up in my mouth...

    Do you want it? It looks like baby food - banana nut!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    It's bad enough I pay a load of money for babyfood. I'd never steal it from my baby, lol. I'll admit as a kid I used to love stealing my little brother's banana baby food.

    Agree, thought it was gonna be a Gerber/processed baby food VS make your own thread :huh:
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    Ok sounds random but i decided to buy biscuits for babies due to them being low cal/fat and they also have some vits/iron which i need
    they're pretty good! And i've heard of celebrities doing baby food diets where they just eat baby food or replace a meal with baby food and was wondering has anyone tried it? Does it work? Do they actually taste nice? (considering the jar food doesn't look pretty- although it's tempting to try the puddings! haha)
    I'm trying to eat between 700-1000 cals a day & Before anyone shouts at me i'm not very active, i just do at least my 30 day shred a day and i'm very small haha I just want to be petite than small and pudgy/fat
    Thanks guys! :)
    You're not eating enough by far, if you keep eating at that level, you'll seriously damage your health, and you are highly unlikely to achieve the look you're after as you'll be losing plenty of lean mass along the way. And yeah - baby food diets? Very bad idea.

    This ^^
  • ChanceTakr2131
    It's totally disgusting and nutritionally deficient.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    Lol... The sheer amount of dumb ideas on this website is mind-boggling...

    this. unbelievable. why in the world would anyone think that food designed for a baby is the perfect diet food? ugh
  • ChanceTakr2131
    I ate baby food once. Then I got my teeth and advanced to grownup food.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    Lol... The sheer amount of dumb ideas on this website is mind-boggling...

    Baby food is VERY high in calories - it's supposed to be because babies NEED to put on weight and grow.

    For the price of a "Meal's worth" of baby food, you could make a phenomenal salad that would fill you up, be very healthy, and NOT make you look completely crazy while you're eating it...

    Baby food diet... Lol...

    thanks so much! I know it sounds crazy but the biscuits are better than like a digestive for me haha
    This is what i wanted to know :) not sure what a phenomenal salad is but i'll try that :)

    & before anyone jumps down my throat again for low cals i have bad eating to not eat much or emotional eat due to problems and i'm not even 5 foot so don't tell me i'm 'starving' myself cause i can function fine and i'm VERY short and i have personal problems. people shouldn't assume things. This is really difficult for me.
    & before anyone says anything else, i should be sorting myself out soon with help of Dr's
    Thanks everyone for your responses :)
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    im like you, 5'1 naturally petite, but im eating way more than you, take a look at my diary having tried baby food. (feeding younger cousins) that stuff is not nice not the jar stuff. while im sure you'll lose weight. im not sure you'll be able to make this sustainable which is what this is all about. good luck.