Taking a day off

I have been doing well and since January 4th I have logged in every day. I am going to a wedding soon and I always said that I would take the day off and not log calories (the food will be amazing and calorific) but now I find myself feeling guilty and a bit anxious at the thought. Do others have the day off occasionally? I still have 14lbs to go.


  • ahern89
    ahern89 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't feel guilty, there's nothing wrong with taking a day off for special occasions. For my birthday I went to town with tons of delicious, high calorie food, but the next day I got right back on track. Just enjoy the day, it's not going to through you off.
  • Katt370
    Katt370 Posts: 4 Member
    If I were to do this, I'd probably log everything the following day, regardless of whether I was trying to achieve my calorie goal or not. I wouldn't beat myself up with it, I'd just want it there for reference so if I saw differences in my results later, I have a more complete set of data to extrapolate from.

    Then again, I'm a major geek. LOL
  • mpf89
    mpf89 Posts: 10 Member
    You could see if myfitnesspals has an app for phones if you're worried about it.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I have two cheat days a week.
    The one day is allowed 2200 calories, the second is usually unlogged and probably averages 2500-3000 calories.
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 259 Member
    I don't log vacations/ holidays/ or my own birthday. It's okay to relax now and then. One day here and there will not undo months of work.
  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    I have days (and occasionally weekends) where I go over on calories, don't work out, etc. Since January I still have not had a week that I have gained. Life happens, and you have to enjoy it!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I just took about 15ish days off. Life gets in the way. If you don't make room for such things, you will very easily get off the track and lose interest/motivation.

    If you're feeling really guilty and still wanna log, just put in an average number you think you ate. When I goto buffet and don't really log but still wanna track that I ate a lot, I usually put in quick calories (typically anywhere from 2500-4000 calories, based on how much/what I ate) and then in the comments put down the list of what I ate.

    Have fun :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Just remember that it's all about lifestyle. It isn't about one day...it isn't about isolated incidents of over-indulgence. Ask yourself this...does one day of eating right and nutritiously make you a healthy, fit, and lean person? No...it's a lifestyle that does that. So, one day of indulgence doesn't make you fat and unfit and unhealthy either...it takes living an unhealthy, glutenous lifestyle to do that.

    Also, you'll probably do far better than you think. As I approached maintenance I did a lot of practicing with intuitive eating and portion control due to the fact that I had no intention of being a slave to logging everyday when I got to maintenance. It's only been two months, but I'm maintaining just fine with only logging very occasionally just for a spot check.
  • I'm going to a Washington Nationals ballgame tomorrow. The garlic, parmesan, and parsley frites have been on my mind for two weeks. I don't know what the day will bring, but I'll accept it and move on. I'm feeling too good to stop now.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Take a day off if you are sure the day after you will get back to logging again.
    To be honest, I've not logged now for almost 4 weeks and I haven't gained at all, if anything I've lost another 1-2lbs. I had also been logging since January and felt nervous about taking a day off, then I realised that I had learnt so much valuable information from MFP on portion control, good and bad foods, etc. that I didn't need to log to maintain.
    If you still have 14lbs to go then I say take a day off and get back to it.
  • YES everyone needs a day off once in awhile you can't let this RUN YOU what lm getting outta this is to know what foods are really bad for me and food that helps and l have been on this site for approximately going:blushing: on 2 months now and have lost 27 lbs l'm also finding it easier as the time goes on to get on the treadmill, go for short walks and also get off my butt on do some gardening which 3 months ago all l wanted to do was SLEEP soo plz, to those who get discouraged "GOOD " shake it off and get right back on the horse IT DOES WORK good luck all:flowerforyou:
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I totally understand you, it panics me to not log things. I feel so guilty indulging ><
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I log everyday now just because I don't want the counter to go back to "0." :laugh:
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I take a day off every few months, I normally try to plan it for a holiday but sometimes it's just a normal day off. It has not hurt my loss. However, you should expect a gain on the scale the first few days. It is water weight and the weight of eating more than usual still sitting in your digestive tract. Expect it and don't allow it get you upset. It will be gone in just a couple days.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    If you've been doing this since January without a break, you'd do well to take a day off and just eat whatever you want. You should also consider a diet break week: Eat at full TDEE for a week. It can be good for you...
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    Just remember that it's all about lifestyle. It isn't about one day...it isn't about isolated incidents of over-indulgence. Ask yourself this...does one day of eating right and nutritiously make you a healthy, fit, and lean person? No...it's a lifestyle that does that. So, one day of indulgence doesn't make you fat and unfit and unhealthy either...it takes living an unhealthy, glutenous lifestyle to do that.

    Also, you'll probably do far better than you think. As I approached maintenance I did a lot of practicing with intuitive eating and portion control due to the fact that I had no intention of being a slave to logging everyday when I got to maintenance. It's only been two months, but I'm maintaining just fine with only logging very occasionally just for a spot check.

    Yes to this :)
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Yeah, it a wedding.

    Go for it.
  • Well this is timely - I had today off!

    I've been logging consistently since mid-march, and whilst I've gone a bit over on a few days, I've pretty much stuck to my calorie goal.

    Today, however, my mum + nan invited themselves over for Sunday dinner. So I made a full-on Sunday roast - slow roasted shoulder of pork, with crackling, mashed potato with butter + cream, roast potatoes, big pile of veg - everything, including the bottles of wine. Initially I planned on logging it all and trying to count the calories, but decided instead to allow myself to enjoy cooking the meal, and more importantly enjoy eating the meal and the social occasion.

    Then when my brother came to pick up my mum + nan, he bought left over cake from his work - full of cream and chocolate and sugary goodness, so by that point it was definitely a day off. As a rough estimate, I'd say I've eaten/drank 3000-3500 calories today - my usual daily goal is 1500 (plus exercise cals).

    And you know what? I really don't feel guilty about it. I'm not going to starve myself all week, or do tons of cardio to "atone" for my eating today. I'll log an approximate calorie count for today, and continue tomorrow in much the same way as I would have done if I'd come in under goal today.

    There's a saying - one swallow doesn't make a summer. In much the same way, one day off logging doesn't make a person instantly fat again.

    Go to the wedding, eat the tasty food, enjoy celebrating with the happy couple and most importantly enjoy yourself. MFP will be here the day after for you to continue your journey :-)
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I have a treat meal every Sunday, but I have a small breakfast and a dinner around 200 cals.

    Just work your day in don`t worry about it.

    You can exercise more the week before and each day for the week after?

    Life is for living, don`t let the whole calorie thing control your life, you control the calories, go to your day out and enjoy X
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    I log everyday now just because I don't want the counter to go back to "0." :laugh:

    just curious here, if you just track your water for the day, will it still go back to ZERO?