Fitbit - Do you love it?



  • indianwin2001
    indianwin2001 Posts: 296 Member
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    I got one from work. It's horrifically inaccurate.

    I thought it might be useful, but quickly realized that it miscounts steps so often and by such large amounts that it's worse than using nothing at all.

    If you have a smart phone and/or are already semi-active, Fitbit is a waste of money.

    Edit, because it might be useful to explain why it's so inaccurate for me:
    1. If you walk a dog and switch the leash from one hand to another, only 1/2 of your steps will be counted.
    2. If you lift weights, it will think that every rep or other motion is a step, so you can take a thousand steps without leaving the room.
    3. If you go to an event where you might applaud, it will repeatedly go to sleep.
    4. It thinks that using stairs is the same as walking on a decline. It isn't.
    5. You can do all your steps for the day just by making chili. (Onion chopping: 500 steps; cutting peppers: 1000 steps; shaking water off the beans: it goes to sleep; ... )

    if you get the one,and clip it to your pocket or bra instead of the wrist version,it is very accurate for steps--very very close to my $400 garmin hrm
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I've owned all three that are currently for sale, and I've loved it. I do have the Flex now, but I've only had a couple days where I feel it overestimated due to my job. Many times it actually underestimates a bit because I'm pulling two baskets of clothing out at once so it doesn't track my steps.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I love my flex. That said, Fitbit's recent decision to NOT integrate with IOS health kit has me waiting to see what comes around next. In other words, I'll likely NOT replace my fitbit with another fitbit, I'll buy something that integrates with IOS health kit next. (Unless fitbit changes its mind...)
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    Great responses - thanks guys!