Newbie needs advice

Hello, so I just started dieting a week ago. Prior to this, and still today for the most part, I don't know anything about nutrition etc.

I started with perhaps what most beginners start with, a hardcore diet. The first few days I consumed 1280, 968, 1270 calories, respectively.

Then I learned about BMR and TDEE. My TDEE -20% is around 1950. (5'9, 250lbs, male)

I've been struggling to reach 1900 calories daily, while still trying to be somewhat healthy. Often times, I find myself being forced to eat when I am not hungry whatsoever. This happened last night, around 11ish. I had like 600 calories to go, was not hungry, but made a plain turkey sandwich anyway, worth 270 cals.

So, a couple questions...

1) How important is it to get to 1900 every day?

2) If it is important, does it matter how I get to it? If I eat some ridiculous 1200 calorie burger, and ensure I do not consume more than 700 calories for the rest of that day, will I still lose weight?

Obviously a burger isn't 'healthy' and I am not really aiming to eat 'healthy' I am only interested in losing weight.

3) Which is better? To eat bad food to get to my calorie goal, or eat better food and not reach my calorie goal?

Thanks in advance!

PS: no calorie miscalculations as I DO log everything I eat. Picked up a scale yesterday and some deli turkey meat and have been weighing it.

PSS: I do not cook.


  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    There are so many issues with your request that I'm somewhat at a loss for words, no disrespect. I don't even know where to begin. I'm going to depend on some of the veterans to take a look at this and perhaps give you the links that are most often suggested to "newbies" to help them get started. I think you are in need of some education in this area.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I'm of the belief that there aren't really any good or bad foods, just food.

    What are your macros set to? These are the numbers that you should be most focussed on. If you can fit a monster burger into your day while staying in your calories, and meeting your macro requirements, then go for it! This is the secret to lifelong success. It's a method of compromise and moderation, not a diet.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    There are two things here, weightless which is gained by having a calorie deficit. It doesn't matter what those calories are made of as long as you are at a deficit.
    Secondly is overall health. Yes if your diet is full of fat and bad food you will not be as healthy as someone who eats healthier choices.

    Which is better? What ever plan that you can stick with for the long haul is better. Though I do have to ask why you don't cook?

    As for calories. The number is your daily limit (meaning don't go over it) but you should get as close to possible as you can. Try adding a couple of snacks (yogurt, granola bars) etc to up your calorie levels if your worried about being to low. Good luck
  • brr3k5
    brr3k5 Posts: 7 Member
    @giggitygoo I haven't established any macros, I am focused primary on calories. I was under the impression that for strictly weight loss, that's what was important?

    @aribeiro659 My entire life I've eaten out, takeout, frozen meals, simple stuff like ramen, hot dogs, etc. I've never cooked nor did my parents. Honestly, I'm just not motivated to start. I'd rather go somewhere and order what I want, rather than buying all the individual items, figuring how to prepare them and hoping I don't mess it up. Maybe when/if I lose weight, I'll be motivated to try and be healthy and prepare my own food. But for right now, I'm only interested in weight loss.

    @alikonda Reading, thanks.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited October 2014
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    ) How important is it to get to 1900 every day?

    Its not honestly, but it sets yourself up for crash dieting and then hard rebounds. SO... PLZ BE SAFE. Also if you are overweight its not hard to eat 1900cals, how did you get to your current weight in the first place?

    2) If it is important, does it matter how I get to it? If I eat some ridiculous 1200 calorie burger, and ensure I do not consume more than 700 calories for the rest of that day, will I still lose weight?

    from a weight loss perspective, NO. But Its tough to know if the 1200cal burger you bought is 1200 or 1700; how do you know?

    Macro-nutrients do you matter though for health, gaining muscle, satiety & metabolism. make sure you're getting adequate protein and fat EVERY DAY.

    3) Which is better? To eat bad food to get to my calorie goal, or eat better food and not reach my calorie goal?

    If your only goal is weight loss isnt the answer obvious?

    Any other questions?
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    Secondly is overall health. Yes if your diet is full of fat and bad food you will not be as healthy as someone who eats healthier choices.

    fat does not equal bad. Having a diet high in fat is perfectly healthy.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    edited October 2014
    brr3k5 wrote: »
    1) How important is it to get to 1900 every day?

    2) If it is important, does it matter how I get to it? If I eat some ridiculous 1200 calorie burger, and ensure I do not consume more than 700 calories for the rest of that day, will I still lose weight?

    3) Which is better? To eat bad food to get to my calorie goal, or eat better food and not reach my calorie goal?

    1) You should try to average around 1900 over the week, so it's okay to go a little over some days and a little under on other days. As you lose weight you'll need to adjust your calories downward, so if you start out eating 1200, where are you going to go? You can't live on grass and sunshine. The goal should be to eat as many calories as possible while still losing weight, not to force yourself to exist on as few calories as humanly possible. Weight loss takes time, and nobody can crash diet forever.

    2) Not really. Total calories is what matters for weight loss, so you can lose weight eating nothing but Twinkies if you want to. (You should not want to, btw. You'll get sick. There are other factors that impact your health, and losing weight does not automatically equal "getting healthy.")

    3) How about a mix of both? Mostly "healthy" foods -- lots of veggies, fruits, lean proteins and carbs -- with some treats mixed in. That's how you sustain an eating plan for the long haul, which you have to do in order to lose weight.

  • brr3k5
    brr3k5 Posts: 7 Member
    Alright, so it doesn't matter then how I get to my goal, as long as I do, from a weightloss perspective.

    I still lack insight on just how important reaching my calorie goal is. Let me first say that I am not, by any means, staving myself. I wasn't even in the beginning when I was under 1000 calories a day. For as long as I can remember, I've eaten mostly one meal a day with snacks inbetween. I've cut out the snacks, so now I'm trying to adapt to eating multiple times a day. In doing so, I'm having a very hard time actually reaching my goal.

    @AliceDark "You should try to average around 1900 over the week, so it's okay to go a little over some days and a little under on other days."

    I'll never allow myself to go over the goal, otherwise this wouldn't be a diet, so if I repeatedly fall under it by say 300 (1600 cals/day) * 7 = 2100 calorie deficit/wk...just how bad is that?

    I'm avoiding foods that I perceive as "bad" ie burgers, pizza, chinese food...cheeses, dressings/condiments, etc. No big deal. But the only way I can think to actually reach my goal, is to allow some of those items in my diet, for the sole purpose of reaching the goal.

    But IS reaching the goal important enough that I should be going that far to begin with. That is the answer I seek the most.

    I had oatmeal this morning, had a turkey sandwich with 3.6oz of turkey for lunch, an apple a few hours ago. It's 7pm and I'm not hungry. I have 1362 calories to go...
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Well, if you eat 1950 calories one day, it isn't going to kill you. Everyone has days when they go over. Try sticking to 1900 as closely as you can for 3-4 weeks and see how you respond.
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    I still lack insight on just how important reaching my calorie goal is.


    Pure Weight Loss
    0 calories as much cardio as possible

    Pure Fat Loss (bodybuilding crash diet)
    eat close to your body weight(lbs) in protein(grams) per day
    example 200lb person eats 100-200g of protein for a total of 400-800 calories total
    high intensity training
    lift weights

    Long Term Weight Loss & Mental & Physical Health + Sustainability
    10%-20% calorie deficit
    hit minimums on fat & protein
    hit minimums on micro nutrients
    eat "healthy" (clean) (minimal processed & high diversity)

    ****in other words, it does not matter;)