Any way to get some nice charts that make sense out of my MFP data?

I just checked today a Chrome add on that makes comparison charts out of the MFP data, and I got excited at first, but then I saw a bunch of zigzag lines that didn't have any meaningful logical correlation with each other.
Is there a any tool that could help me make sense out of this data? I've hit a few prolonged plateaus already and I still have no idea how I'm getting them.


  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Learn to use Excel and you can have all the charts and graphs your hearts desire. It's not hard to learn but it does require an hour or so of understanding if you've never used a spreadsheet before, and maybe a trip to the library to get out a book on it.

    If your computer doesn't have Microsoft Office or Excel (which is part of Office) I suggest you get a copy of Excel 97, it tends to sell second hand for $5 or $10 and really, you're not going to use more than 5% of the hundreds of features that Excel 97 or 2013 has, the two programs are really the same except the "Ribbon" and the cost.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Excel isn't a great statistics package. You could try iNZight.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I may have misunderstood. Is the problem with software or that your skills at data interpretation are a bit rusty? It normally takes a human to do the "making sense" bit.