losing inches off my waist

I need help on diet changes and exercises I need to do to shave inches off my waist.


  • LoadedM6Tina
    LoadedM6Tina Posts: 63 Member
    Pilates. What are you eating now?
  • Steph_brock
    Steph_brock Posts: 8 Member
    I don't really have a plan I stick too because i'm so confused. I log my food but haven't changed my diet or anything
  • aphanson
    aphanson Posts: 3 Member
    It all starts by figuring out your TDEE and then eating in a calorie deficit. You can figure out how to calculate everything here.
  • LoadedM6Tina
    LoadedM6Tina Posts: 63 Member
    I don't have a plan either. I eat what is healthy when I'm hungry. I eat about 6-7 times a day but I lucked out...I LOVE lettuce and can eat it plain so I don't use salad dressing at all.
    Breaky for me is: Toast with natural peanut butter or almond butter.
    Sometimes an egg sandwich which is an egg cooked with LIGHT spray of Pam Olive Oil.
    1st Snack is Oatmeal
    Lunch is 2 cups of lettuce, 1/3 a red or yellow bell pepper, 5 slices of cucumber and about 10 texas toast croutons. NO DRESSING. It's dull to most people but I like it.
    And an apple.
    2nd snack: 90 calorie brownie to curb my sweet tooth. ;)
    Dinner is not a big meal for me usually. I'll have a bowl of soup or chicken with veggies.
    Last snack might be nuts or an apple.
    I know what's bad for me. I could get rid of that brownie but I don't want to beat myself up about it. When I lose enough to get to a point where I'm not losing anymore, I'll refine my diet even more. But until then...whatevs!
  • Steph_brock
    Steph_brock Posts: 8 Member
    thanks for the replies guys.!! really helpful...I and a friend are really looking forward to starting this journey :)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Fat leaves when and where it wants. Can't spot reduce, unfortunately! Overall fat reduction is needed.