Sick, weight gain?

I think I have a cold I've been kinda in the dumps recently. I work overnights and get two nights in a row off so I weigh myself on the second day but for the past two weeks I've been sneezing and all congested with head colds. I probably have been eating a bit more sodium than I should but I drink loads of water. I weigh myself daily but don't think anything of the weight till Wednesday mornings, and it fluctuates from 214-220 that I've seen. I was wondering if all of this is from being sick?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    It could be. It could be the sodium. It could be your monthly cycle.

    It's hard to say. Don't worry so much about your weight at the moment. Get well, and then refocus on your efforts.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I agree with the above!!!

    Your down in the dumps, you don't want to be on the scales stressing about a number. Just try and eat healthy and drink lots of water.

    Like you say its high sodium food

    Try and eat fresh foods, lots of fruit, veggies, protein etc.

    Stress doesn't help either.

    Get better soon! And when your ready, get back on it properly

    Good luck x