Cannot Find the Motivation

lookitsandrea Posts: 7
edited October 2014 in Motivation and Support
Hey guys,

I have been struggling with my weight for a number of years. I hit a positive streak a couple of months ago, after hitting my all time high at almost 200 pounds. I've since dropped down to 160, but I have still a ways to go (I'm 4'11, and my target weight is somewhere between 110-120, but that can of course change). I have quite a number of other issues that I've started seeing a counselor about in order to help me progress further, body and mind. However, right now, I've hit a major slump. I just cannot, no matter what, find the motivation to work out or eat healthy. I do not find joy in food anymore, and so I will either not eat at all, or binge late at night with junk food that I don't even want.

I'll try exercising, but I dislike exercising so much that I stop just a day or two later. I know that a gym would work really well for me if I could go to classes, change it up, etc. but I can't afford to attend a gym at this time. It is something I will still consider, though. I enjoy swimming, but it costs money to go swimming. I am unable to DDR at the house because the TV is generally occupied during my "awake" hours after work. I enjoy yoga and walking - these two things are something I would do, as well as DDR, and classes at a gym, every day. However, yoga and walking really won't get me the results that I want...

I've given up, essentially. I've convinced myself that I'll never lose this weight. I don't know what to do.


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Sorry to hear of your struggles. Stick with counseling and work on healing your insides first. If you enjoy walking and yoga, DO THEM! The mental and physical benefits are much more than you think.

    Start small. Take baby steps and make sure you acknowledge and congratulate yourself on each one.

    DON'T wait for motivation. That is a common downfall. Pursue your healthy eating and active lifestyle because you have to, just like work, taking care of children, cleaning, laundry, etc. Good luck and do NOT give up!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Motivation isn't what makes people stick to a new lifestyle long term. Habit building does. Habits beat out motivation (in the long term) every time.

    Eating right and exercising need to become just something you do. Like brushing your teeth. You don't need motivation to brush your teeth, you just do it.

    A really good book that talks about how to build new habits is "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Motivation isn't what makes people stick to a new lifestyle long term. Habit building does. Habits beat out motivation (in the long term) every time.

    Eating right and exercising need to become just something you do. Like brushing your teeth. You don't need motivation to brush your teeth, you just do it.

    A really good book that talks about how to build new habits is "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg.

    Exactly! I've also recommended that book before on this forum.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I don't attend a gym but it's because I have 4 young kids and I only have 30 min everyday to workout. So, I have to resort to my basement. I've been filling up my library of workout DVDs to do to make my workouts more exciting. I have a treadmill and an eliptical as well. I also just bought a step aerobic set that includes the step, handweights, resistance rope, ball & a DVD. This way I can do that, then cardio exercises, then run/walk, then eliptical. This way my workout is never the same. I agree totally that habit is what you need to conquer. I haven't read that book mentioned, but I've seen it mentioned numerous times.