I'm Offically Back!!!!

Now that I'm back I'm looking for a new set of MOTIVATED friends to continue along this journey with me. I hit the Gym five days a week and my logs are open to the public, so if you have the room for another MOTIVATED friend, let me know.



  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    Welcome back! It is nice to find another who has that eye-of-the-tiger back. I've only been logging my food and not my exercises, as I use the site to track my food only, right now, and am being really strict with calories. I am hitting the gym 6 days a week, too.

    I am looking forward to heading back to the doctor on Friday. Everything is being monitored: food, body composition, and all the blood work stuff. I am not losing weight as fast as I would like, but I am losing body fat and building muscle.

    I wish you the best of success. Now, go kick some *kitten* in the gym! Give your tomorrow's self something to thank you for. That is my motto, right now.