Getting up early to exercise... how do you do it?



  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member

    My question is this: Do you think it would be better to ease myself into the schedule change or just straight up force my *kitten* out of bed early and just do it?

    Also, what are some of your personal favorite morning routines? Not just with working out but how do your mornings usually go before work?

    My morning routine starts at night. I pack my gym bag, make lunches if I'm working the next day, and get to bed by 9pm absolute. That makes me very boring, yes. I'm old and an empty nester and I'm ALLOWED!

    I'm up at 5am, make my bed, brush my teeth, weigh, get into my bathing suit and all that smack so that we're out the door by about 5:20 to get to the gym by 5:30. (I highly recommend a gym close to the house or on the way to work!)

    I'm a swimmer, so hubby and I part, him for his thing, me for the pool. Swim 35-40 minutes, shower, do my hair (this takes forever. I have long hair) and am back out of the gym by quarter to seven or so. We go back home for breakfast and coffee and leave about a half an hour later to get to work.

    We do find we have to goad each other a little bit to do this, but not too much.

    I am a morning person, but the real reason we work out in the morning is that we haven't the time or energy to think up excuses. If I tried to work out after work, I'd have all day to come up with GREAT ones!
  • Christimarie87
    lol That's a good point. I'm too brain dead in the morning to even realize how ridiculous it seems to get up and run that early. I made it outside about 5 minutes this morning before I thought to myself, "Damn it's cold." It was in the 50's here this morning and it's been in the high 80s for a while. I wasn't expecting that.

    Either way, I'm super excited that I did it and I actually had fun with it like I used to. It was a little rough after because I was wheezing so horribly. Between being out of shape, smoking and being so cold with asthma... I don't know. I had forgotten about how hard it was to start out again. I'm looking forward to being able to run 45 minutes or more like I used to then just skipping around after like nothing ever happened instead of dragging myself inside about to puke.
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    I also work from home and HATE getting up early to workout. So here's what I do... I don't. First thing in the morning, I put on my workout clothes, make some coffee, work a bit and THEN workout. I find for me working out early is like starting a restrictive diet. I might be able to do it for 2-3 weeks, but then I inevitably fail. GL whatever you do.
  • Flips37
    Flips37 Posts: 81 Member
    For me, I had to do it "cold turkey" and force myself out of bed at 5:30am when my alarm went off. The biggest thing in keeping me on that schedule was going to bed earlier. That was also the hardest in some ways (I miss some of my favorite TV shows but DVR them, don't have time to do as much around the house in the evenings) and the easiest in others (I am EXHAUSTED earlier and fall right to sleep at an earlier hour).

    My morning is out of bed at 5:30/5:40am, throw on workout clothes, to the basement for a workout video (30 DS most recently) or a treadmill run (usually about 3 miles). Back upstairs to the kitchen for breakfast so I can cool down a bit, in the shower by about 6:45am. Out the door sometime between 7:15am and 7:45am, depending on if I am doing daycare drop-off that day. My morning workouts are generally 30-40 mins. I'd be hard pressed to do a longer one without getting up at 5:00am.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I'm up at 4:45 to work out - for awhile I was setting the coffeemaker and having a cuppa before working out, but now I save the coffee for my post-workout reward. Mostly I get up by remembering how much I'd like to eat that day.
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    I have more energy in the Am than the PM. So I set my alarm for 4:45 and try to be out the door in 20min or so. I walk 3 miles or an hour...whichever comes first. Anyway, I exercise in the morning because of two reasons: 1. I walk right outside so I can't talk myself out of it, and 2. I am usually too tired in the evening to do much exercise.

    I try to move before my brain realizes what's happening. Then I drink water and have a yogurt with oatmeal in it.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    Up at 4.30am, work at 8, home by 6 and lots of time to prep a good, healthy meal and spend some q-time with the hubby. Maybe even another workout.

    Yup--and I have a preschooler to get ready in the morning/take care of at night.

    Up at 4:30, gym at 5, home at 5:45 (husband leaves early for work), get myself and kid ready for day, out the door by 7:30. Must be nice to be able to sleep in until the middle of the morning. I don't have that kind of luxury.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    I work from home and changed my work schedule to be 9am-5pm where it was 11am-7pm. I want to start getting up early to work out in the mornings but I'm finding it really hard to even drag myself out of bed 2 hours earlier. It's only been 2 days of this new schedule and I've been resetting my alarm sort of like hitting the snooze button.

    My question is this: Do you think it would be better to ease myself into the schedule change or just straight up force my *kitten* out of bed early and just do it?

    Also, what are some of your personal favorite morning routines? Not just with working out but how do your mornings usually go before work?

    I happen to be a morning person so it's not hard for me. My oldest son on the other, he hates morning exercise. He hits the gym after work (10pm) and says it works great for him. Plus, the gym is less crowded. Are you able to exercise after work instead of before?
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    I've tried and failed many times on this front. Getting up early in the morning has always been a chore and nearly impossible to do.

    Until recently. I joined a gym that I love and now have workouts that I actually look forward to. In the past couple weeks, I have been waking up well ahead of my alarm and have been eager to get up and start the day.

    Find something that excites you and hopefully it will get easier. Good luck!
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    Force yourself out of bed, your body will adjust. There is never anything to get in the way of a workout from 5:30 -6:30-7am ( no kids activities, staff meeting runovers, stuck in traffic, tired after a long day). You can count on it, it will give you energy. I have done it for years and I still like sleeping in, but I get up anyway and never regret. You may miss late night Pawn Star reruns/ Discovery ID shows, but thats it :-) You can do it
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Only time I've ever been able to get up and workout in the morning is when I had to, like REALLY had college (military school) and the Army. Now I work crazy hours, as a paramedic, usually 24 hour shifts. My work out time tends to be 2200-2300, or even later sometimes. I don't mind doing it late at night, I just come home, enjoy a hot shower and a high protein snack and go to bed. No way will I get out of bed to work out, as habit. That being said, one of the things that brought me back to MFP is that I vacation with a friend at the end of summer every year. Each morning he brings me coffee and breakfast in bed, then he goes out for a run while I laze. I promised him that next year's vacation would find me running with him in the morning. Ugh! I'm working on it!!!
  • pattyjoshockley
    pattyjoshockley Posts: 53 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    IMHO, you just have to want it. If you want to make the change, you will....

    The nike slogan. "just do it"

    Judith Beck calls it "no choice catagory" from The Beck Diet Solution.