Hi, im back again

ok so i tried to lose weight a few months ago (real life got in the way and i didnt have time to keep up exercise and everything fell apart and i went from 284lb to 297 lb) over this time i was also doing research because i was starting a new course at university.
so iv put that 150+hours of research into and used for my diet as well.

started diet Monday the 29th since then iv lost 19lb, so 19lb in 15 days. for the last week it was a constant 1lb per day.
now i havent really been keeping track of what i eat but on the days im not to lazy to im eating between 1800-3000 calories per day and im not hungry (i have to ususally force myself to have meal in the day because im not hungry)

so i need someone to tell me if im doing something wrong because going from 297-278 in 2 weeks seems alot (yes it is fat and not muscle im using some of the equipment from my exercise course to track that and as far as we can tell iv not lost any muscle and iv gained strength)

so here is my diet
i stay below 100g of carbs per day (not enough to put me in keto kept track every few days and no ketone's detected on keto sticks) my ratio is usually about 10% carbs 30-40% protine and 50-60% fat and 2-3 litres of water per day.

i have 1 carb junk day every week were i stuff myself with carbs (mostly junk food) making sure i eat about 500-600g of carbs on that 1 day , i place it on the day after my workout.

my workout is the super slow workout from body by science doing 5 exercises 1 set and a max of 10 reps at the higher weight i do this on a friday with carb stuffing on saturday and thats it however i do take about 10000 steps per day.

i also plan to go back to the doctors round the 28th to see if if done any damage to my cholesterol and i am monitoring my bp every few days (it went down after the first week to a healthier range im guessing from water weight lost in the first week)

so let me know if any of you have tried anything like it or if im doing something massive wrong