To those that don't like exercise or procrastinate exercising

Would you be interested in something that challenges you to do a short workout 6 days a week? And by short I mean really short - just 5 minutes in the beginning. The focus would not be on doing a long strenuous workout, rather the focus would be on building the habit of exercising. Once the habit is built, a person can carry it with them for the rest of their lives.

This would consist of a few key concepts
- Needs to be done first thing in the morning, to get it out of the way so there are no excuses not to do it later in the day
- must be done 6 out of 7 days, no exceptions
- Its only 5 minutes in the beginning, no exceptions. Again this is to negate any excuses one may have, such as not having the time.
- Must be done for a long time. 30, 60 and 90 days just isn't long enough to build a habit. This would have to be a minimum of 3 months and ideally 8 months.
- There would be some kind of online social group aspect involved for motivation and accountability.

If this is something you would like let me know. And if not, also let me know and perhaps why not. Tks