Rock Climbing and...?

Hi! After a good year or 2 of lifting I joined my local rock climbing gym and it's great! They have a bunch of walls to climb, costs less than my previous gym, and even has full sets of barbells and racks! I'm trying to slim down and get more strength, dexterity and endurance so I'm looking for complementary exercises to do with my rock climbing. Currently:

I climb 2-3 times a week, followed by 3 sets of 12 on bench/OHP and squat/DL when my hands get too tired to carry on. I'm doing high reps to get my form back and to work towards endurance and strength, and also because I'm still trying to lose 10 pounds without losing muscle. Would it make more sense to do lower reps with higher weight? Also, should I do more than the big 4? I figure the rock climbing is all my upper body pulling motions, so I do my pushing motions with weights to keep myself balanced.

I run 1-2 times a week, just about 30 minutes or 3 miles, just to have some kind of cardio. I also will do 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga sometimes in lieu of running, but I don't think it has the same effect. Thoughts? More frequent? Less running? Try biking? Other cardio ideas?

My main goal is basically vanity, my stomach still sticks out after losing 30 pounds so I'm going to slowly lose another 10 in 1-2 pounds a month. Hoping to slim down more and feel healthy. Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!