Looking for friends

Same old "woe is me" story. I started July 2013 and managed to lose 67lbs, I was 12 lbs away from my GW and I was feeling great. A couple vacation trips later and never fully grasping back on to my journey here I am now 7 months later and I have now managed to gain back 35lbs. I am miserable with myself right now, I lack my confidence and hate the fact that all my "skinny" clothes I was able to buy are now to snug for me and just sit there. I am determined to get my confidence back. I loved my active life style I was living when I first started my journey and I am ready to enjoy that once again. I deleted my old account because of embarrassment, I let myself down and felt like I let all my MFP friends down as well. But I have come to realize I depend on this community entirely during my journey for support and motivation. If you log daily and are on this site more than any other social media site, like I was in the beginning, please add me on here. I promise to support and help in anyway I can with your journey as well!


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    You know, it happens. Congrats on jumping back into the journey. The people who are really successful at this and have long-term success are not the ones that never fail. We all do. The successful people are the ones that never give up. The stumble and fall, but then they get right back up and keep going. That's what you're doing right now. Great job! You've got this. All you need are time and consistency.
  • kgenzel24
    Thank you for those kind words! I completely agree with you, time and consistency will get me there again!