Road to 160

Lecheyl Posts: 19 Member
Would love the support... feel free to add me. I get on track with using my fitness pal then after a few weeks I stop being consistent because I don't have friends that are going through the same journey I am. My goal is to lose 100lbs. I've dropped around 27 so far. :-) It would be great to have people to chat with and share some of the same ups & downs I am experiencing. Back in April I began documenting my Journey on a Facebook page: Road to 160: My Weight Loss Journey..... Towards the end of April I abruptly stopped documenting because I felt alone and felt like I had no support.... I want this bad, but it's hard when you feel alone..... So I'm reaching out... Please add me here as well as my Facebook page. I'm ready to log back on and show you all my daily ups & downs... I'm doing a half marathon this Sunday, would love the adds & cheering on.
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  • Cheriesaurus
    Cheriesaurus Posts: 92 Member
    Added ya :D I've been trying to lose weight for 2 years now and always have ups and downs mentally from being so unhappy with myself, it's tough :( But I'm half way! Got to stay positive. A marathon is a good start!
  • Lecheyl
    Lecheyl Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you for adding me! You're right about it being tough, I lost 60lbs last year and quickly gained it back due to emotional eating. I work out with a trainer now and working hard to fight the eating as a comfort blanket... :-) I'm here to chat if you ever want to during your journey. I know I can use the support :-)