Got a bad cold, should I go back to the gym yet?

I started feeling severely under the weather about 3-4 days ago(head cold), and as a result I've been eating more since I wasn't going to work and basically just sat around all day wheezing in misery and eating to console myself. (Yeah, its as pathetic as it sounds) but tomorrow I'm going back to work and I'm wanting to work out but I'm afraid that 1. I'll black out again (I blacked out on the treadmill around 2 am at the gym the other day, from being sick) 2. That it might make my receding cold get worse?

Is it bad to exercise when you're sick or good? I intend on wiping down all the equipment if I go, because obviously I don't want to infect anyone else, but I can't bear to not work out another day. I feel like a slug.


  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Typically what is said is that if all your symptoms are from the neck up… it's fine to work out. So, if it really is just a head cold, you should be fine from that standpoint. Take it slow and listen to your body. Keep hydrated and adequately fed. If you start to feel weak or light-headed… STOP! And if you are going to the gym…. yes, for the love… keep your hands clean, cover your coughs/sneezes and wipe down every surface you touch, equipment, door handles, etc.

    However, if we're talking more like flu-type with all over body aches and/or nausea, etc… you might want to give it a little more time.

    Personally… when I have a cold… I keep right on going. I usually feel better while I'm working out. Maybe the movement breaks up the congestion or something. I don't know. But, if I had my way, when I have a cold, I would spend all my time either working out…in a hot shower… or sleeping. Because those are the times when I feel the best.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    I would think if you passed out at the gym it seems youre unable to guage for yourself if you're well enough to exercise. Not being in your physical company anyone here is unable to give you any helpful indications of wether or not you are fit to exercise. Also exercising next to someone leaking from their nose is just disgusting. Therefore my advice is just wait until you're actually 100% or close to.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Try and do something less strenueous at first like going for a walk.

    Personally I'd leave the gym until the worst of the symptoms were over. You can also try home workouts - look at YouTube, Fitnessblender etc.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I would wait until you're feeling more up to it. You should listen to your body. If you passed out once already then it appears you can't gauge if your well enough to work out. If you feel up to it, great if you don't then listen to what your body is telling you and just stay home. Plus you risk infecting others at the gym.