Hello again!

Hello! I'm a student with 4 weeks left of my degree and I've been using my student-hood as an excuse for far too long. At 5'1, I am almost 60 kilos, and it doesn't look healthy on a small frame. I'm guessing my healthy weight is going to be about 52-55 kilos.

My boyfriend and I met almost a year ago and he has put on 10-20 kilos since we met. His eating habits are very different to mine because he eats a lot of meat and I didn't... before I met him. He plays football a few times a week and I cycle pretty much everywhere, and we have just joined a gym, so we are both quite fit but we really go wild when it comes to eating. We have friends over a lot, and he'll cook something meat and rice based, or I'll make a pasta, and it'll go way overboard. Or I'll come home late from the library and we will go for dumplings. It is okay to do that occasionally, but we do this almost every day.

We are both getting so frustrated about how we look and feel. I have a long haul of job hunting coming up and I don't want to be feeling self conscious about my weight when I go into interviews. Me and my boyfriend need to encourage each other but I feel we have tried so many times and failed. I've been calorie counting all day and I'll come home and he's cooking steak with butter and I say, stuff it, I'm not going to watch him eat that delicious food all by himself! We both absolutely love food and because we live together and do everything together, we really need to both be on board with this.

He's on myfitnesspal--hi babe if you're reading :) But I am hoping to make friends here too so that I can gain some strength from outside the relationship so I can help him on days when we are both feeling weak.

So please send me a friend request!

Cheers, Claire