Starting Over

I know MFP works - it's always been slow and steady for me but it works. I have 154lbs to loose. The last 2 months have been really hard for me - moving from the south of the country to the north so looking for work and looking for a home but we are now getting there and have a lovely home and my partner has a great job. I'm still living down south whilst I serve my notice at work so living out of a suitcase has made my old habits come back, basically binge eating on total crap!! I feel huge and I hate it. Today is my first day back on track and it feels so good to have a menu plan and to know what I am having and when. I would love to get at least 100lbs off by my holiday next August that would be amazing. I know what works and that's logging every day, drinking at least 2 litres of water and chatting to you guys on here that keeps me really motivated!
Thanks for listening guys x
