excercise machines

Hi there, my names shelly, and i was wondering if i could have some advise on small excercise machines for my flat. the reason for this is that i am on the ground floor, and i have room for excercise in my front room, but i dont want it to be something that i can not fould away. the thing is winter is coming, and so it will be turning rather bad out there. so i dont want to be out in all weathers doing my walk, so i want to do something fun, but dont necessarily want to be watching an exccercise video that i cant follow...any advice on this would be much appreciated.


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited October 2014
    zariana88 wrote: »
    I want to do something fun, but dont necessarily want to be watching an exccercise video that i cant follow...any advice on this would be much appreciated.

    Just Walk and Walk At Home DVDs are great for those of us (myself included) that hate trying to follow along. These are by Leslie Sansone, but other instructors now have "walking workouts" also.

    Jessica Smith has lots on her YouTube channel

    Chris Freytag has some Prevention walking workouts.

    Debbie Rocker has walking workouts (outdoors). Beautiful scenery, but she marches in place way too much (I lose interest pretty quick).
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Before spending money on a machine would you be able to join a gym, even if for only a month, to try out a variety of them to find one that you'll enjoy and be more likely to use regularly?

    Good quality exercise machines are not cheap (there are cheap ones out there but, like most things, you get what you pay for, sometimes less).

    Personally if i was restricted to only one machine it would be an indoor rower, a Concept2 breaks down into two smaller components in seconds and they retain their resale value well (you rarely see used ones for sale).

    I don't know where you live or what winters are like there but if you dress properly there's no such thing as bad weather (in my profile pic it was around -30C when I was running this race, I run outside all year 'round except during freezing rain or thunderstorms)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Um... that's a pretty broad question. You say you want to do somethign fun, but "fun" means something different to almost everyone. I would suggest a set of adjustable dumbbells and maybe some resistance bands, but I don't really know what your goals are, what your ability is, or what you enjoy doing.