Hey my name is Monique and I need a fitness buddy!

Hey guys! I live in South Africa and, unfortunately, none of my friends are into fitness and stuff so I have been trying to diet and work out on my own...with LITTLE success! I keep losing concentration and i trail off because i have no one telling me "NO!!" when I log that I ate KFC (which i so totally did last night....yikes...) or any other not-supposed-to-eat-ever-like-ever food! So I need a FITNESS buddy! Someone that could comment and like my RECENT ACTIVITIES on my MFP! You can find me on Facebook...My name is Monique Croucamp, I am 16 years old and go to Hoerskool Florida. I don't care if you are in America or Australia or Croatia or wherever.. I love you and I need you! So please, if ANYONE is interested.. Add me as a friend... or comment below and I'll add YOU!
Thanks guys!
P.S. I am a huge BLOGILATES fan!!!
P.P.S. I love pilates! And green tea... I think I'll go have that now... o:)