Really needing help..

Is anyone else out there a binge eater and/or emotional eater? Even though I know it is horrible for me, I find myself indulging waaaay over the norm when I've had a bad day. The cravings for sugar and carbs is SO great I literally can't fight it. I am also a PCOS sufferer. I've gained 25lbs since July...I'm feeling so down on myself that I don't even know where to begin at this point...

what works for you the best? any tips from fellow PCOS cysters??



  • AmandaAnne307
    AmandaAnne307 Posts: 113 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm a binge/emotional eater - the thing that helped me the most was therapy. Honestly I had to learn how to deal with my feelings without using food. I also have PCOS and am on metformin - that has helped a little bit, but I still need to do the work to lose the pounds. It's harder with PCOS, but it's possible!
  • aliackerman
    aliackerman Posts: 29 Member
    I am definitely an overeater - certifiably. Emotions usually trigger the start of the cycle and I can't stop until all the food is gone. I just accept that this is going to happen on occasion - life happens. I just try to limit the triggers, have healthy options (in limited quantities) available, and drink LOTS of water. When my belly is full of water, there is less room for the overeating. Also, I log everything - even the binges. I need to know how big of a hole I have dug for myself, so I know what it will take to dig myself out later.

    I don't suffer from PCOS, but I know a few others that do who have had great success with MFP. You can do it and we are here for you!

    As a side note, at my office, I have 2 Venti cold cups on my desk (from Starbucks) that I keep filled with water. There is just a bit of extra satisfaction when I am sucking huge amounts of water through a straw - it seems to calm my nerves similar to when I was a smoker. Just an observation - take it or leave it.

    Good luck, and carry on!!!