NES - Night Eating Syndrome

Does anyone else have the overwhelming urge to binge at night? Does anyone else wake up in the middle of the night to go graze from the fridge? I've been struggling with this problem for a couple of years now and I'm looking for friends to share support, tips, and advice on how to overcome the urges. It is pretty difficult because it seems like my willpower is great during the waking hours but at night its a totally different story. Add me if you have the same problem and would like to support each other through restructuring our self-defeating behavior.


  • ladystarr
    It is so hard to keep away! I understand this 100%. For years, I have had the habit of eating at night...a few hours after I eat my dinner and a few hours before bed. I used to eat heavier foods, but I found that popcorn, which is a bit lighter, curves my cravings. So far, I have not been able to keep myself from eating before bed, as I get hungry and tend to feed my belly. It's the hardest thing!
  • m_tommiss
    Definetely! I too have found that popcorn has done the trick.
  • penkwin
    penkwin Posts: 25 Member
    When I think binge, I think of eating stuff I know I shouldn't be eating, in large quantities, usually standing in the kitchen, sometimes sans eating untensil. I used to have that problem, and still have the urge now and then, but my main trick is: if I don't have it in the house, I can't eat it. My fiancee and don't keep cereal (a big trigger food for both of us), chips, cookies... any junk food really in the house. If we want to splurge, we go out for a single serving of a delicious dessert at a bakery or ice cream place.

    If I really am hungry at night, I have some almonds or a few apple slices, and don't begrudge myself that because they are healthful foods.

    A nice (decaf) herbal tea with a little honey before bed is a good idea, too. It sort of gives you that sweet taste and is calming.
  • sophier933
    sophier933 Posts: 7 Member
    I have night eating syndrome after falling asleep I wake up every two hours and eat. Usually 2am and 4 am. I have tried a lot of different things to try and stop but I haven't been successful, I am beyond caring at the moment I just don't keep any danger foods in the house that I can binge on.
  • Kates8891
    Kates8891 Posts: 47 Member
    I have a habit of eating at night time (and during the night if I wake up!) hoping to kick that habit in the butt
  • SarahRaeRed
    I find it really easy to pick good foods and the right quantities during the day, but when it gets to 8/9pm I start wanting everything, in massive quantities! I could eat a whole large share bag of doritos or tryrells crisps in like 10 minutes and still want more. I just need to crunch and eat fast! I think popcorn should do the trick - great idea! I think I should also go to bed earlier, I'm always up until 1am ( now!).
  • kimberlyanneturner
    first thing I want to do when I get home is snack while I fix dinner, I'm working on it
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    This is so meeee. On weekends & during the summer when I don't have class or work keeping me busy, I save a majority of my calories for night time to try and prevent/make-up for it. If I'm being lazy & not doing anything, I'm not really hungry in the morning/early afternoon anyways, so it seems to work for me!
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    I absolutely cannot sleep if my belly isn't full, what helps me is hot tea and a banana right before bed.
  • CurtisRansom
    CurtisRansom Posts: 1 Member
    I have also had this problem for the last couple of years. I wake up 2 to 3 times every night with a feeling of hunger. a doctor recently told me that he though is was excess stomach acid. I'm going to find something OTC to see if that can help.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I eat in my sleep. I wake up and find wrappers and dirty plates. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Anyone can add me if they like, especially if they have a suggestion for me. Aside from handcuffs.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I have been lately but only because my sinuses are having issues apparently (swollen I guess) and somehow it is causing me to sleep with my mouth open (never used to). My mouth gets so parched all the way to the back down my down that I wake up 2-3 times a night and RUN to the fridge for a drink. I would then eat something too.

    Now I keep 2 water bottles by my bed and drink from them when I wake so I dont have to go to the fridge (and I drink both of them by morning!). I also put a cough drop in my mouth as I am falling asleep and take some nighttime sinus meds.

    If you are just a binger, try taking some melatonin or something to help encourage you to sleep through the night (which has been shown to help weightloss.. so double whammy if it helps you stop eating too!). Waking up at all is a pretty bad habit to be in, much less actually getting out of bed, and eating means you have to be somewhat awake. None of that makes good sleep, and sleep is very important in weight loss too! (if nothing else, lack of sleep lowers your willpower during the day some).
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I often wake up hungry in the middle of the night. I dont usually find myself craving anything in particular, though, so I usually try to keep some nutritious snacks or leftovers on hand, eat them until I don't feel hungry anymore, and log them as part of the coming day's intake. I don't really stress about it.

    I probably wouldn't have to do this if I ate before bed, but I'm not really hungry then, and I don't like to eat if I'm not hungry.

    If you are having overwhelming cravings, it might not be a bad idea to look at your overall diet for nutrient deficiencies or excessive restriction. If you are just hungry at 2am, eat something sensible and log it and don't feel bad about it.