I'd rather sacrifice a perfect body for.....



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I don't need to give up anything, I'm good AND getting what I want.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    That's pretty shallow. I'd say most people want to lose weight to play with their kids, live longer, enjoy doing things, avoid diabetes and heart disease, generally improve their quality of life. Not have a "perfect body". I'm not losing weight because society says I have to, I'm losing weight so I can be healthier as I get older in comparison to the next generation up in my family who are riddled with health problems due to a lifetime of being overweight and eating poorly.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    I'd honestly rather never achieve a "perfect" body than give up beer. Or bread. But mostly beer.

    When it comes down to it, you only live once and I'd rather enjoy things I like (on occasion) and be happy than be fit and miserable! Do I want to look back on my life and be like, man, I used to look great (because lord knows I won't look great when I'm 70+ years old) or be like man, I enjoyed my life to the fullest? I just want to rant on how our country should stop being so obsessed with a being skinny and focus on being healthy while enjoying foods in moderation :)

    How about you? What's something you'll NEVER give up, if anything?

    I'm so judgy. From what I see In your profile pic and ticker you already have what many people would consider a perfect body. Of course you wouldn't give up anything for whatever it is you think the perfect body is, in reality you have one already!

    I have tons of free time now so I can't really think of anything I wouldn't give up for fitness as I can already fit in most things I want. At some point fitness was conflicting with some crazy work hours I was doing and I cut back on the work
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    I'd honestly rather never achieve a "perfect" body than give up beer. Or bread. But mostly beer.

    When it comes down to it, you only live once and I'd rather enjoy things I like (on occasion) and be happy than be fit and miserable! Do I want to look back on my life and be like, man, I used to look great (because lord knows I won't look great when I'm 70+ years old) or be like man, I enjoyed my life to the fullest? I just want to rant on how our country should stop being so obsessed with a being skinny and focus on being healthy while enjoying foods in moderation :)

    How about you? What's something you'll NEVER give up, if anything?

    Cuddles on my couch with my 50lb 7 month old German Shephard/Husky who seems to think he is a 5lb lap dog. Lays right on top of you and gives you kisses.

    Totally worth not going to the gym or being active for that, hahaha.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Health, for sure. I'd keep that.

    Otherwise, there is no dietary sacrifice I wouldn't make for the perfect body.

    Sadly, it's not that easy. I have to work hellahard just to, at some point, get to a thinner body with bunches of loose skin. I'll settle for that.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    For me it was never about a 'perfect body' I could get anyone I wanted at nearly 200lbs and I could get anyone I wanted at my lowest weight of 145lbs, I'm just that good.

    But, it's about being able to look back when I'm 70+, not dying at 50 from a preventable heart attack or stroke, or becoming disabled by my weight and not being able to work or complete any of my future plans.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I want to look back on my life when I am 70, and say I have done the things I wanted to do, been as healthy as I can, and made the most of my life.

    Its all about finding that balance ie having a day of eating rubbish, but then getting to the gym the next day and working even harder!

    Why spend your life trying to stick to a number on the scales??

  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Why not both? You don't have to give up anything to have a great body. You have to understand nutrition and your body's needs then learn to balance that.

    Because beer makes me bloated and makes me eat more which makes it extremely difficult to get a "perfect" body.

    Why do you want a 'perfect' body? So called 'perfect' bodies are boring.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    My country food, I'd probably shoot myself if I don't get it, but I mean...

    Tamales, chuchitos, rellenitos, molletes, pepián, jocón, tortillas, frijoles, etc. Please don't leave me. :'(
  • sharonpink
    sharonpink Posts: 76 Member
    I'm not worried about being "skinny" for fitting into some chart measurements, but I do want to be able to move and be healthy, and for me, that means losing at least another 70 pounds or so. I'll get there, but I've never been, nor will I ever be, skinny.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I'm going for both.
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    I'll never give up anything lol :p

    I haven't before when I was at a really low weight and it wasn't the type of food/beverages I was consuming that made me gain 35 pounds, it was over-eating portion sizes bigger than all my male coworkers.

    I'll eat anything and everything, but only in moderation. I'm a foodie and there's just too many delicious things out there to give things up.

    I will always have pasta. I will always eat fried turkey on Thanksgiving. I will always drink wine ;). I'm always gonna indulge in a little processed food. There will ALWAYS be red velvet cake in my diet. Every time I see it, I say "I won't quit you."

    The only thing I've ever truly restricted was soda but I'll still have that every now and then. I just go months without having any.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    My country food, I'd probably shoot myself if I don't get it, but I mean...

    Tamales, chuchitos, rellenitos, molletes, pepián, jocón, tortillas, frijoles, etc. Please don't leave me. :'(
    Yeah... I'm never leaving that!! I'm about to go have some frijoles, plátanos con crema right now!! :drinker:
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I personally don't think I need to give up anything completely in order to get my perfect body, but I get your intention. I'll never, ever give up eating my mom's cooking. Anything she makes for me, I'm going to eat. I'll adjust something somewhere else if I need to.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I don't understand where people get this notion of being "fit/healthy" you have to be eating such a miserable diet and have to "cut out" and "sacrifice" foods. It's all about moderation, learning to control portions, and will power to not want to dive face first into a bowl of candy. I would rather be able to enjoy a little bit here and there while still busting butt with exercise.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    edited October 2014
    there's no such thing as a perfect body anyway.... if you make having a perfect body your goal you'll spend your whole life feeling like a failure. Even the magazine models don't look like their pictures... they're photoshopped. The flaws that get photoshopped out are still on their bodies... nothing wrong with having aesthetics goals like "look damn good naked" or whatever... but aiming for a perfect body is a hiding to nothing because a perfect body does not exist. With the right kind of work most people can make themselves look like the models do in real life (i.e. without photoshopping) but not everyone has that as their goal, and as long as health is near the top of your priority lists it doesn't really matter.

    My goal is to be fit, strong and healthy. I don't really want 6 pack abs... I'd rather have a 300lb deadlift and a squat that's not lagging too far behind that, and to be able to bench my bodyweight. I care about aesthetics somewhat, but it's not right at the top of my priority list.

    There's no need to give up food you love to be fit, strong and healthy... yep portion control is important but no need to eliminate foods altogether.
  • BenjaminS_Fitness
    BenjaminS_Fitness Posts: 70 Member
    skeo wrote: »
    I don't understand where people get this notion of being "fit/healthy" you have to be eating such a miserable diet and have to "cut out" and "sacrifice" foods. It's all about moderation, learning to control portions, and will power to not want to dive face first into a bowl of candy. I would rather be able to enjoy a little bit here and there while still busting butt with exercise.
    Honestly people who think you can't eat candy and still maintain 10% bodyfat (which is good looking in the eyes of most people and means that you have a visible sixpack) need to pack on some muscle. i can lean bulk on 3500cals - and i don't have an insane metabolism. which is enoug for a clean bodybuilding diet with a treat here and there.

    If you want to cut down fast, you will obviously cut that stuff out. but if you want to lose bodyfat at a healthy rate there is no need to cut anything out.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    skeo wrote: »
    I don't understand where people get this notion of being "fit/healthy" you have to be eating such a miserable diet and have to "cut out" and "sacrifice" foods. It's all about moderation, learning to control portions, and will power to not want to dive face first into a bowl of candy. I would rather be able to enjoy a little bit here and there while still busting butt with exercise.
    Honestly people who think you can't eat candy and still maintain 10% bodyfat (which is good looking in the eyes of most people and means that you have a visible sixpack) need to pack on some muscle. i can lean bulk on 3500cals - and i don't have an insane metabolism. which is enoug for a clean bodybuilding diet with a treat here and there.

    If you want to cut down fast, you will obviously cut that stuff out. but if you want to lose bodyfat at a healthy rate there is no need to cut anything out.

    Personally I think we all just need to be 21 year old males then we could probably just eat a heck of a lot more
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited October 2014
    skeo wrote: »
    I don't understand where people get this notion of being "fit/healthy" you have to be eating such a miserable diet and have to "cut out" and "sacrifice" foods. It's all about moderation, learning to control portions, and will power to not want to dive face first into a bowl of candy. I would rather be able to enjoy a little bit here and there while still busting butt with exercise.

    Yes but that's easier for some people than others. My willpower isn't that great anymore after almost 2 years of cutting, frankly.

    And all in all, I'd rather have 100 more calories to eat than trying to maintain on 10 less pounds. It doesn't mean I'm not fit and healthy.. just that I probably won't get the body I wanted (which is not happening anyway thanks to all that loose skin).
  • weightlosstrainer
    weightlosstrainer Posts: 21 Member
    Fit and miserable...that is almost a contradiction.