How often do you log meals?



  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    As I am shoving things in my mouth, I log it. If I'm out, i use my phone. So its real time, every meal, (all weighed when possible)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Everyday, pre-log my day and have never forgotten, 5 months.
  • mysmileighs
    mysmileighs Posts: 103 Member
    -Yes, log every day.
    -Rarely, if I do, I remember by my next meal.
    -147 days
    -I keep logging because...chocolate. I have stopped logging in the past because I overeat and get depressed/disgusted with myself. This year, I went on vacation and overate but logged it all. And. Did. Not. Die. :);)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    ~I never do...I log them the moment I eat them, or prelog if I know exactly what I'm going to have
    ~Today is my 270th day on MFP, so 270 days
    ~It's just a habit now. Make the food (or order it), log it, done.
  • Alisiya__
    Alisiya__ Posts: 80 Member
    - I try to log every day, but sometimes I just get too busy with life. But just because I forget to log doesn't mean I'm still not trying to watch portions & pick healthy items.
    - I try not to forget, sometimes I'm really good, sometimes I don't bother with logging for a day or two. I tend to log everything in the morning, but sometimes I may forget to update my food diary as I go.
    - I've been logging for about 2 years. I was on MFP before but deleted my account because I had too much other things going on & MFP became a huge source of stress for me.
    - If I'm too stressed & overwhelmed or get too busy I might not log. I try to log anyway, but sometimes I have to prioritize things.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    dlanghart wrote: »
    I'm curious to know everyone else's experience logging meals. My questions are:

    Do you log your meals everyday?

    yes, I log my meals daily

    How often do you forget (if you do) to log your meals?


    How long have you been logging meals?

    about 45 days

    What causes you to keep logging or what caused you to stop logging your meals?

    The reason I keep logging is because I want to succeed. I want reach my goal weight.

    Thanks for any insight!!

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    dlanghart wrote: »
    I'm curious to know everyone else's experience logging meals. My questions are:

    Do you log your meals everyday?
    How often do you forget (if you do) to log your meals?
    How long have you been logging meals?
    What causes you to keep logging or what caused you to stop logging your meals?

    Thanks for any insight!!
    Every day.
    Maybe once in the last two months?
    60 days+
    I log therefore I can analyze.

    You must track data before you can analyze it.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    dlanghart wrote: »
    I'm curious to know everyone else's experience logging meals. My questions are:

    Do you log your meals everyday?
    How often do you forget (if you do) to log your meals?
    How long have you been logging meals?
    What causes you to keep logging or what caused you to stop logging your meals?

    Thanks for any insight!!

    Every single day. I usually log my breakfast before I get on with my day. Sometimes I'll just play catch up at the end of the day. Sometimes I'm logging it while I'm eating, lol.

    The only time I pre-log is if I plan on being out for a meal or going to be super busy.
    I've been at it now for 215 days or so.
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    I log everyday.
    I have never missed logging a meal, or snack.
    I've been logging for about 55 days
    I've gotten kind of obsessed with MFP, so remembering is not a problem. I usually pre-log at least my dinner so I know I'll have enough calories for it. I don't know, I just think about food and MFP all day long. It's like a crazy addiction, always trying to keep my numbers low.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    dlanghart wrote: »
    I'm curious to know everyone else's experience logging meals. My questions are:

    Do you log your meals everyday?
    How often do you forget (if you do) to log your meals?
    How long have you been logging meals?
    What causes you to keep logging or what caused you to stop logging your meals?

    Thanks for any insight!!

    Log every morsel I eat every day.
    I never forget to log.
    I've been logging for around 4 years.
    What keeps me logging is that I've learned without doing it I tend to not eat enough or eat too much. Logging my food really doesn't cause me any grief, I actually quite like planning ahead what I'm going to eat. I also workout and like to hit certain macros especially protein, which without logging I would not be able to do accurately.
    Occassionally I will have days off for special occassions - my birthday, christmas day, friends weddings and holidays.
  • CJsf1t
    CJsf1t Posts: 414 Member
    Been on for 5 weeks only and its an obsession. So I log everyday. I log before I eat so that I am not tempted to eat more. I only skip logging if I no idea about calorie content of food. Example, if I eat at a friend's place or at a restaurant. Even then sometimes I log in an equivalent food from the database and overestimate the cals, just in case.
  • Navtendon
    Navtendon Posts: 168
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I have logged every single meal for 165 days. I never forget (it is fully a part of my life now because I am very committed). When I say logging is a part of my life it has become like brushing my teeth. I would never skip brushing my teeth, and I would never skip logging.

    In the past I would skip logging a few meals, then 1 meal once in a while would turn into a meal a day, then eventually I stopped logging and gained everything back. So for me, I log every single meal I eat. I started skipping because I had in my head "You've gotten good at guessing anyway, so you don't need to log it all" That was way too much of a slippery slope for me.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    dlanghart wrote: »
    I'm curious to know everyone else's experience logging meals. My questions are:

    Do you log your meals everyday?
    How often do you forget (if you do) to log your meals?
    How long have you been logging meals?
    What causes you to keep logging or what caused you to stop logging your meals?

    Thanks for any insight!!

    I have yet to forget a meal
    almost 2 years
    it helps keep me accountable for my choices
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    I log my day in advance. If it's not logged, I don't eat it. If
  • MW2K
    MW2K Posts: 7
    I log every time I eat/drink something.
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    220 days.....havent forgot yet........
    Keeps me grounded so I dont forget how hard it was to lose the weight.......and now trying to beat the odds and maintain.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I log every meal, every day and have for the past 2 1/2 years. That is the single most important factor that has contributed to my weight loss (85 pounds now). The exception to this rule (for me) is when I am on vacation and special days (Christmas, Thanksgiving, my birthday) but as soon as I return home or the day is over, it's right back to logging. Holidays are also that day only and don't slide into multiple days or weeks. I can't say enough how important logging food is to be successful.
  • mwcontois
    mwcontois Posts: 44 Member
    I log my meals every day after the meal is complete, usually. With the access to this app via computer or mobile device, it is pretty easy to do and is less confusing if you do it right away. In addition, if you do it as you go you can get an idea of the direction your macros are going in and adjust later meals to compensate and meet macro goals. In fact, constant logging and tracking is the only way I come close to my macro and calorie goals.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I've logged every meal for nearly 500 days (and played at it for a year prior to that).
    I don't forget to log, but will purposely do the "Quick Calorie" thing if it's a special occassion or holiday that I have no intention of monitoring my food on.
    I keep logging because I've managed to lose more than 70 pounds by holding myself accountable for my food choices, and I have no intention of stopping 'food accountability' now that I'm at goal (and consequently gaining all that weight back). I now have no fat clothes, and I don't want to repurchase an entire wardrobe. Again. :pensive: