My best friend encourages bad eating habits?



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Just break up
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Only one solution you must kill her.

    I can give you a really good recipe for humans. Really high in protein!

    Seriously, you're an adult you need to do a few different things:
    1.) Tell your friend "NO!" and if she doesn't respect you then move to step 2
    2.) Ask her why she's concerned about what you eat and is sabotaging you
    3.) Depending on answer make up your mind
    4.) When she buys you food toss it... or give it to someone nearby

    You're 19 and seem fairly fit from the picture so maybe she's concerned about you having an eating disorder but Taco Bell and what not just isn't healthy for anyone... taste mighty fine sometimes but still not healthy.

  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    You are so young, so this might be hard to hear, but 1) she's a toxic friend and 2) you need to be your own person. Ultimately, it is up to you and you have to have the wherewithall to break away from her if you truly want to "do your own thing". It makes me wonder in what other areas of life she is controlling / dominating you. Good luck! Remember that your health comes first!
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Throw it away or leave it on the counter. She'll get the hint or she'll con't to waste her money.
  • oORosadaOo
    oORosadaOo Posts: 97 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    irleshay wrote:
    Stick to your guns and tell her you don't want the food, and thanks but *she'll* have to take the extra food home. Since you bend, she keeps doing what she's doing. You're not forcing anything on each other if she eats what she wants, and you eat whatever/if/when you want.
    Stand up for yourself. You're saying one thing (I want to weigh less) and doing the opposite (eating whatever she puts in front of you).
    If she orders you food you don't want, give it to a homeless person, or leave it on the tray, or throw it out, or make her take it home.
    What you DON'T do is put it in your mouth.

    If she's your friend (really a friend) she'll want you to be healthy & happy. Doesn't sound like that's happening.

    I agree with packing a lunch & snacks so there's no reason for her to believe you're not eating.
    If you're driving the car, tell her you're not stopping for food. Period. Warn her once, go through the drivethrough so she can order _her_ food once, and after that you don't stop.
    If you're riding along, just sit there & watch her eat. For most people, it's uncomfortable.

    BTW, 2 things:
    - From your profile picture, you look fine. Are you sure your target weight is a healthy one?
    - Having so little to lose, and (apparently) being so close to (or at) a healthy weight, any weight loss is going to come very slowly. 1 lb a month would be a victory.
    - Dude, paragraphs, please! :anguished:

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Just break up
