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I need help. I have been continuously gaining weight. I peaked a few years ago at 282 lbs. Went on Weight Watchers and lost 107. I felt amazing. Then life took over again. Fought 2 cancers over the next 3 years, then husband was diagnosed with cancer, lost both my parents, daughters husband walked out on her. Food became my comfort again. I have gained back 55 pounds of what I lost. I need help, I need to focus again. I need to be able to play with my grandchildren without having to sit to do so.


  • tdhdee
    tdhdee Posts: 31 Member
    Wow! So sorry for all of that in your life. Stress is a plan killer for me too so I get it. First, I wish you well in your journey. You deserve a break!! Getting healthy is a great first step. Especially since you are a survivor, twice! Losing weight is important because they have been linking certain cancers to high weight from what I read and understand.

    Focusing is tough at first but you've been down this road before using WW as a guide and you lost all that weight so you KNOW you can do this. I'll give you the same advice I gave myself when I fell off the wagon. I've done this before, I know I can do it again. Be easy on yourself as you learn a new way to 'live'. Eating is just nutrition so eat nutritious foods. Never deprive yourself of a treat or a night out but count it, own it, add it in when you can. When you can't (spur of the moment dinner out or a pot luck and you're not sure of ingredients, etc.) don't sweat it. Eat small portions, add what you can and move on. Those things don't happen every day.

    I did WW also and paid for the privilege for 2 years. I'm doing just as well just counting my calories and sticking to it plus throwing in some exercise. Moving is crucial for me. It makes me sleep better and feel better overall so added bonus! Understand that there really is no such thing as a 'diet' for those of us who have weight issues. Once we reach goal and go back to eating the way we did before, the weight comes back and then some usually! The outlook has to be "this is how I will live" so if the plan you choose is not something you can do long term, find something else. That's why I chose to count calories. Very easy to do, you can get the correct info anywhere on the internet if you are unsure, no subscriptions or fees. Real food in moderation and I eat what I enjoy. If I want to have ice cream, I plan for it. Many times I find that I just really don't want it.

    From the story you've posted here, you are amazing. You can do anything!

  • Thank you for your message. Your words are a great inspiration, and I thank you for that. Congratulations on your progress.
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Life overwhelms us sometimes! You can do this, though! I would love to help encourage you! Add me if you like.