
Hello all,
My name is Gina and I am new to this group as well as this site. I joined because I am 3 months postpartum and I have finally decided that it is time to get back in shape. Admittedly, I haven't focused much on fitness since before I got pregnant with my first, over 4 years ago. I'm in my 30's now and have noticed that the weight doesn't just slide off like it did in my 20's. Time to be proactive! I ordered T25 last week and am currently waiting for it to be delivered, so I have not begun it yet. For now I am counting calories and exercising for 30-45 mins a day. Or even 10 mins a day if that's all my kids will allow me to do. My husband works at night so he sleeps during the day leaving me to tend to the kids myself most times. I have been trying to get a workout in during the baby's first nap and have been encouraging my 3.5 yr old to exercise with me! He loves it and it is nice bonding time for us without the baby. I want to be a good role model for them and to show them a healthy lifestyle. My son actually eats very well.He loves raw fruit and veggies more then anything and he prefers quinoa to pasta or rice, and same with my husband. I am able to cook healthy meals that we can all enjoy without worrying about picky eaters. Definitely makes things easier. I will still check in with my daily progress even though I havent recieved my dvds yet, so please bare with me. I am really looking forward to starting this program. My goal is to lose 35 lbs before I return to work next June, (was 40 but I am down 5 lbs). I love Sean T and have done Hip Hop Abs in the past, (one of the workouts I am currently doing). Anyways, that's my story. Sorry for the long ramble!