1000 calorie pie?!

Catvocado Posts: 8
edited October 2014 in Recipes
Hey everybody! I'm not sure if any of you guys are like me as to where I can control my eating all day long just fine, but once I'm off of work for the evening it's game over! One thing I've noticed is that the less diety and more satisfying my food seems the less I'll eat.

Lately I've been on a huge pie kick. Sometimes I'll eat an entire pie o:)

Ladies and Gents, I bring you... the diety but still satisfying pie, and depending on what you use, the entire thing should only be slightly above 1000 calories in case you end up having an oops moment and down the whole thing. Not to mention they are super friendly to your wallet. :#

1 box premade Pillsbury pie dough (will only need 1 of the 2 crusts)
1 can of light soup of any flavor
plenty of different veggies and seasoning
1 red potato.

Mix the soup, cut up veggies, and whatever seasonings (I like to add pepper, garlic, onion) together and dump them into a 9" pie dish. Thinly slice the red potato and layer over the soup. Top with one of the premade pie doughs and bake for 35 minutes at 450.

*Make sure you take the pie out after 15 minutes and wrap the crust edges in foil
** If your willpower isn't an issue, use the other pie dough on the bottom of the pie before you put the filling in. This will add extra calories though.

1 box premade Pillsbury pie dough (will only need 1 of the 2 crusts)
1 can of fruit or equivalent of fresh cut up fruit
sugar or splenda
seasonings (nutmeg or cinnamon)
lemon juice

Place your fruit in the bottom of the pie dish. Sprinkle with sugar or splenda. Squeeze one half lemon over the fruit. Add seasonings. Mix. Top with one of the premade pie doughs and bake at 450 for 35 minutes.

*Make sure you take the pie out after 15 minutes and wrap the crust edges in foil
** If your willpower isn't an issue, use the other pie dough on the bottom of the pie before you put the filling in. This will add extra calories though.

Also, it tastes MUCH better after you've let it sit in the refrigerator for a bit, so if you have time to make it beforehand I encourage it!