On the road to better health

Hello Everyone!

I've been an over the road truck driver with my husband for over ten years. Truckers have a reputation for living an unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, sitting for long hours (ten hours a day in the driver's seat), truck stop food, and not enough sleep.

I don't smoke. I make it a point to get enough sleep. However, between the sitting and making poor food choices, and hitting the big 40 (nine years ago) I've put on the extra pounds.

My mother was an Adelle Davis fan and I grew up on whole foods and nearly zero junk food. I was also blessed by healthy genes. So, the added weight and health issues that followed were very foreign to me.

My husband and I decided to take action. We have four grandchildren and wanted to be active and involved grandparents. Besides, we just wanted to feel "good".

We started by cutting out the soda and unhealthy snack foods (cookies, candies, chips, etc). We replaced those with water, raw nuts, and fresh fruits. We replaced the chicken fried steak type meals with the salmon and steamed veggies types.

Already we are seeing a difference. We don't see this as a short road to losing those unwanted pounds. We are looking at it as a new path, a lifestyle change, and the goal is a long and healthy life.

We both believe that health is a whole person thing (mind, body, spirit). Getting a good work out is a challenge as we generally drive about 5,000 miles a week. We carry resistance bands on the truck and those do help. We also practice meditation and learning to let go of stress is a big help.

I have an UP bracelet and that led me to the My Fitness Pal app, which led me here.

Nice to meet you!

~ Forest Witch