Office Workouts

I work in a office. Typical cubicle. It drives me crazy that I sit on my butt and use a computer all day for a living but it pays the bills and then some so it isnt going to change anytime soon. I wont go walking/jogging at lunch cause I hate being sweaty. But I do sneak some push up reps as often as I can. Anyone else have any suggestions for office workouts?


  • forestwitch
    forestwitch Posts: 10 Member
    As a former call center representative, I can relate to your situation. I can't even suggest getting up and walking about ... because other than my two 15 minute breaks and one 30 minute lunch, I was tethered to my headset, phone, and computer. With back to back calls (airline reservations), I didn't even have time to think "workout". I took a year from truck driving during 2011-2012. Again I worked tied to a phone and computer. The bosses there were so strict on rules on what we could even have at our desk that I didn't dare consider doing anything but my job. I joined a gym. I got up early and went to yoga a couple days a week, and then worked out on machines and weights on the weekends.

    If you have a more relaxed atmosphere, stretches and ergonomic exercises are always good. If you have a very relaxed atmosphere, consider exercise bands.

    Good luck!
  • KathySRW
    KathySRW Posts: 21 Member
    I work in a call center, in an office, on the 5th floor of a 6 floor building, with not only a basement, but also a sub-basement . I don't take 15 minute breaks. But I take up to 6, 3 minute breaks a day, if I'm lucky and can work them in, in which I walk down to the sub-basement ,then walk back up the stairs.
  • trswallow
    trswallow Posts: 116 Member
    edited October 2014
    Depending on the setup of your cubicles you could raise a section of the desktop and create a standing desk. If you are unable or not allowed to create a standing desk then you could do pushup, situps, squats, lunges, planks. Basically any body weight exercises that are not disruptive.

    Actually even if you are allowed to do the standing desk you could still do the other exercises.
  • joe_hikeny
    joe_hikeny Posts: 58 Member
    I do p90x / insanity / run / hike / lift weights in the gym at work.... I love my job.... When i have to work in NYC. I take time to go running by the water. When i think about people i work with not taking advantage of our workout time it boggles my mind. (We have to be physically fit)

    My last job.... I got in some light walking when i had to go place to place... mostly stuck behind a desk. we would do some office Push ups and sit ups. Every hour if we could we would knock some out quickly...