exercise question

wrenna21 Posts: 15 Member
Ok according to fitness pal I burnt 612 calories walking on my treadmill for 30 mins but according to the treadmill its no where near that. So should I believe the treadmill or fitness pal. Lord knows I would prefer what fitness pal says to the treadmill. I tried googling it too to see how many calories you really burn on a treadmill, I know incline and speed matters so I typed those in and got a different number than the treadmill and fitness pal. Just don't know what to believe. any advice or tips?


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Myfitnesspal tends to overestimate burns, unfortunately.
    Everything is going to be an estimate. I would trust the treadmill, especially if it monitored your heart rate during it.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Toy arent burning 612 calories in 30 mins walking. People also overestimate the effort they are putting in. Machines are unreliable and MFP is just an estimate made without all your details.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    As another poster mentioned, Myfitnesspal tends to overestimate.
    If you had to tell your treadmill your height/weight and other such data, then it is probably closer to correct. However, if you didn't it might still be off a bit.
    When scenarios like that come up, it's always best to take the lowest number. And if your a bit paranoid about estimates being off like I am, subtract like 20% off of the lowest number.

    It is all estimates though.
  • Shalva
    Shalva Posts: 55 Member
    there is a difference between calories burned during and calories burned by exercise. My fitness plan seems to combine these two and as such vastly over estimates the amount of calories burned. There is a website called scooby's workshop that has a pretty good calorie estimator and a good explanation of the calories burned by vs. burned during. The machines at the gym that I attend seem to be pretty close to what scoobys also tells me. I would not trust the My fitness plans calorie estimator