Really dishearted

Today I weighed in at 14 stone 9. I started my weight loss journey weighing 18 stone 9 so I've lost exactly 4 stone.

What's annoying me is that I still fit into all the clothes that I wore when I was 18 stone 9. I can't even see a difference in my body shape.

Anyone else had this?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Perhaps I misunderstood but I would expect you to fit into old clothes if you got smaller ? Also at that weight you were probably wearing loose and baggy shapeless things. Sorry about the prejudice.

    Use a tape measure - it's objective. Buy a pair of jeans you can't quite get into as motivation.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I had the same issue :) It took me losing 50lbs before I went down a size. ( I have a lot to lose) My doctor explained to me that it was most likely because as we get bigger our clothes tend to stretch with us. We don't go out and buy that bigger size like we should so what we are really wearing is likely stretched to 1-2 sizes larger. I am sure you have lost plenty of inches it just isn't showing in your clothing for this reason :) I will say once I did go down a size they started to drop quickly after that. Congrats on your wonderful loss so far that is fantastic! Keep it up! :)
  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    Are you taking measurements and/or pictures? I wore the same size jeans for about 5-6 months (roughly 40-50 lb weight difference), but they were tight at first and then eventually got a little baggy, so I was brave enough to try the next size down. I have noticed that when I was heavier, it took a bigger loss to get to the next size down than it does now (and I'm still a US size 16, so not small).
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Fabulous loss! Just keep doing what you're doing and notice how much looser they are. It will come.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just because you still fit in those clothes doesn't mean you wouldn't fit in clothes 2 sizes smaller too. Clothes stretch out after a while... After a few months I still fit in some of my 18s but I'm guessing they were at least 20s really... just really stretched out... I went to the store and tried on 14s and they fit great.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    You will. Picture a roll of paper towels when it's new and how you can take off a lot of sheets before it starts to look smaller. The smaller it gets, the more taking off one sheet affects how it looks.

    I notice with a lot of people weight loss can be fairly linear but how they look can change dramatically with one specific small drop.
  • HerewardWake
    HerewardWake Posts: 11 Member
    You will. Picture a roll of paper towels when it's new and how you can take off a lot of sheets before it starts to look smaller. The smaller it gets, the more taking off one sheet affects how it looks.

    I notice with a lot of people weight loss can be fairly linear but how they look can change dramatically with one specific small drop.
    I like the paper towel analogy! Nicely done.

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    I feel your feels on this. I've dropped 64 pounds and I'm still wearing the same clothing. It is great that I haven't had to buy new clothing (because money) but at the same time, boo. Any time this makes me feel discouraged I just remind myself that if I keep going it will change and then I'll have to spend money.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    jom87 wrote: »
    Today I weighed in at 14 stone 9. I started my weight loss journey weighing 18 stone 9 so I've lost exactly 4 stone.

    What's annoying me is that I still fit into all the clothes that I wore when I was 18 stone 9. I can't even see a difference in my body shape.

    Anyone else had this?
    Yes, and worry not.
    You're making progress, and in time this will manifest is other areas as well.
    I still remember that first person who came up and asked if I had lost weight. And I also recall that first time I had to buy new clothes.
    You'll see!
  • v_cowley
    v_cowley Posts: 70 Member
    That is an incredible loss! The clothes will change in time I'm sure, but be proud of your loss and try not to feel too disheartened! How long has it taken you, out of interest? I'm almost the same as your start weight.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Congrats on your loss! Very awesome.

    Try on some smaller clothes. They might just fit, :)

    Believe me, you will get very sick of having to buy new clothes all the time as you progress. It's the worst part of losing!
  • jom87
    jom87 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm feeling so down about it because I actually went this morning to try smaller clothes and nothing fitted! I'm still the same size! I just don't understand.

    I must have been squeezing into the wrong sizes and like you all said, stretched my clothing out.

    I've always been a yoyo dieter but I've lost the 4 stone from February last year thats with stopping and starting a few times. Due to changing jobs and feeling so uncomfortable in what I have to wear, it has really made me realise that I need to lose weight to feel better about myself. I've lost my last stone in 5 weeks so hoping to be under 14 stone before Christmas. Fingers crossed!