New and Praying for Help.....

foreverwatts Posts: 6
edited October 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. I'm Sonya.. I am ashamed that I have let myself get out of control and go from 132 pounds to 192 in the past year. I keep thinking there is an easy fix but know there is not. I have tried many "gimmicks" via pills and diets that promised such quick and rapid weight loss, but at least, none of them worked.

What's sad is I haven't seen my husband in a year and half (stationed overseas) and come the end of this month, I will finally get to be with him for a few days. Why do I say sad? Because I am actually embarrassed for him to see me now looking like this to the point that I wanted to tell him that I can't drive to NC to see him for the short time he is here because of it.

Anyways, I am hoping by keeping track of everything and with support, I can in time, be back down to my original weight of 132. I know it isn't going to be fast or be easy, but it's time I take back my life. First step, dropping this weight and feeling better about my self.


  • agal129
    agal129 Posts: 215 Member
    good luck!
  • Angurla
    Angurla Posts: 159 Member
    Honey. Enjoy the time with your husband. Our job as spouses is to support each other. I'm sure he loves you and if he is like most men they really don't even see us like we see ourselves. Tell him how you feel so he can support and encourage you. And thank you both for your sacrifice for all of us!
  • cich86
    cich86 Posts: 13 Member
    Remember through "sickness and health" thick and thin and all that jazz. Don't fear! Use it to fuel the fire but never let it embarrass you! Life is a journey, and there's much we are still going through and going to go through...just keep soldiering on (pun wasn't ♡♡ don't give up, gorgeous!
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi. Please go see your husband. I agree with Auguria...tell him your plans and goals for taking it off. Stay open to him...and continue to work on making the best you for him. You can do both things. But you also need to accept where you are right now in order to change it. Hiding it from yourself or him isn't going to be for your greater good. You have gained weight. You are going to lose it. Simple. Go do it, girl. And go kiss your husband. <3