Pain after 13 mile walk

I did a 13 mile charity walk just over a week ago and for about 4 days after I had terrible pain on the outer side of my right foot, below and just forward slightly from the ankle bone. It wasn't constant pain but a really bad stabbing pain when I walked a little bit like someone had stuck a hot poker in my foot and I wasn't able to put weight on it until the pain subsided.

I thought it had stopped but I took my son for a walk yesterday, only about a mile if that and half way I got the pain again so ended up limping home and I have been getting the pain off and on since then.

Is it worth a dr's visit?


  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    Definitely. Could be a lot of things, some serious, some not, but you won't know until you see a doc.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    what was your walking, jogging, running experience prior to this?

    This is why you don't just "give it all you've got"... Without proper conditioning you're gonna SNAP YO S#** UP.

    Keep your weight off it. Use crutches. Soak it in a basin of warm water several times a day. See a doctor if you can. Injuries like this will last forever if you don't treat them properly. FOREVER.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    sunglasses_and_ocean_waves Posts: 2,757 Member
    what was your walking, jogging, running experience prior to this?

    This is why you don't just "give it all you've got"... Without proper conditioning you're gonna SNAP YO S#** UP.

    Keep your weight off it. Use crutches. Soak it in a basin of warm water several times a day. See a doctor if you can. Injuries like this will last forever if you don't treat them properly. FOREVER.

    I agree. Plus your foot will feel miraculously better the day after your dr's appt. You'll see. =)
  • welshgirl21
    Other than day to day walking like to the shops and back or doing the 3 mile round walk to and from the park, very little experience unfortunately.

    Will try for a drs appt tomorrow