
I am starting Insanity on Wednesday (I need Tuesdays to be my rest day since I am busy from 6:30AM - 10:30PM).

Is anyone else starting out soon? I would love some friends that are doing Insanity as well!
Does anyone have any tips?

I did a month of P90x before, but then went on a holiday and never started it when I got back.

(This is a new MFP account, just needed a fresh start).


  • AliciaSPatterson
    AliciaSPatterson Posts: 2 Member
    I just started Insanity this morning! Not gonna lie, I'm not happy with the results of my Fit Test, but I did it. I've gotten considerably out of shape and over weight, but the only way to get back to where I was is to take it one day at a time and keep at it!
  • heresashlee
    heresashlee Posts: 7 Member
    edited October 2014
    That's great!
    Can I add you?

    I'm worried about my fit test too. I can't even do one push up!
    I just started Insanity this morning! Not gonna lie, I'm not happy with the results of my Fit Test, but I did it. I've gotten considerably out of shape and over weight, but the only way to get back to where I was is to take it one day at a time and keep at it!

  • aracekal
    aracekal Posts: 7 Member
    I just started yesterday and am about to do day 2! Feel free to add me
  • jvs125
    jvs125 Posts: 223 Member
    Just wanted to wish you all success!! I did Insanity before, but after the first month, I had to stop. The second half of the program is more time consuming and by that time, my knees didn't want to cooperate anymore. The program is really fun though!
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    Insanity is great! One of my favorite workout programs, and I've done multiple rounds of it! The best advice I can tell you is to just stick with it, but don't push yourself to injury. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it's tiring. But it's a great way to get in great shape! And believe me, the warm-up does get easier. Don't be afraid to take breaks if you need it.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about the program.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited October 2014
    I thought the first month was fairly easy, but yes, in the second month the workouts are longer and my knees are not faring too well, I've kind of had to modify some of the jumping. Fortunately I'm on my last days of the program. Overall its a really good program and will be doing a T25/Insanity hybrid when I return from vacation in a couple of weeks. Good luck and protect your knees.
  • heresashlee
    heresashlee Posts: 7 Member
    aracekal wrote: »
    Thanks! I added you. I just did Day 3!

    jvs125 wrote: »
    Thanks for the tips :) I tried to plan so that the second month is a month where I will have more time.

    msalamun wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice, it is very tiring. The warm-ups feel like a workout already!
    I already have modified some of the moves (even some of the push-ups) as I currently cannot do a full push-up :(. I take breaks when I need too!

    I can't wait to see the results!

    dym123 wrote: »
    The first month is fairly difficult for me, so the 2nd month will probably be very difficult; thanks for the heads up. I will protect my knees :)

  • yaeger07
    I just started today. I did the fit test and the first workout. It was tough, and I consider myself to be in pretty good shape, exercise-wise. Looking forward to continuing.
  • berz82
    berz82 Posts: 100 Member
    i just use the same insanity Polymetric Cardio Circuit each time, it saves changing it up and i just pick the days when i feel i need to get a bit of sweat going.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    Finished the program yesterday, pretty happy with the results and am already planning the next round! Along with the advice given above, make sure you pay attention to what you are eating... I didn't this time and I know my results could have been even better!

    Most importantly, have fun!
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    I'll be doing day 2 tonight. I did the first month during the summer and had good results in measurements, hardly any weight. Had to stop as life kidnapped me pretty badly, but now I'm trying to get back into it.

    Add me!
  • heresashlee
    heresashlee Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and tips!