
Just want to get some views and opinions about multivitamins.

I have been looking into to get that extra nutrition. Are you for or against?

If you do like multivitamins which one do you recommend for a woman? or even a gender neutral one.

Thank you :smile:


  • bokaba
    bokaba Posts: 171 Member
    I take vitamins, but there are no FDA regulations regarding their content (though if sold in California, they must carry a warning if they contain toxic metals), so it is hard to know what you're getting. Vitamins are supplements and should be used to supplement your normal diet, not substitute it.
  • adelinax
    bokaba wrote: »
    I take vitamins, but there are no FDA regulations regarding their content (though if sold in California, they must carry a warning if they contain toxic metals), so it is hard to know what you're getting. Vitamins are supplements and should be used to supplement your normal diet, not substitute it.

    Oh absolutely, should only be used as an aid.
  • Maryam2014mfp
    I take several supplements; but the multivitamin I take is the one for prenatal and pregnancy. I recommend it for any woman because it is one of the most complete multivitamins for woman and it's economical. To get what is in the prenatal/pregnancy multivitamin, you would have to buy a "regular" multivitamin along with several others, so for convenience and economics, it is a better deal to get the prenatal multivitamin. I still take additional vitamin D3 drops, b12, vitamin e and sometimes b complex (if I am under more stress than usual); but they are associated with deficiencies I have had since having radiation and surgeries. Bloodwork would show if you are low or significantly low in anything. Take care :)
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    I do a store-brand daily multi with lutein (I have retina issues). I may not "need" it, but what the heck, it can't hurt. I've also added a potassium supplement since it's supposed to help balance out sodium.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Theoretically, if you get a decent amount and variety of fruits and vegetables, you should be OK on vitamins. I know I fail at consistently getting enough F&V, so I do take a multivitamin as insurance. I've also been taking 1000 IU D3 on top of that.

    I've never really understood the differences between Man/Woman vitamins. I would imagine they are mostly the same with a few tweaks on amounts. I take a Men's multi, but I honestly couldn't tell you why it's different than the woman version or how it's an advantage for me.
  • Milvardea
    I started taking multivitamins a while back, just to fill in the gaps in my diet. It seems to help; I feel like my skin and hair benefit. Just make sure to read the labels carefully. I like Alive Gluten Free gummies because the ingredient list is all things I can pronounce and don't mind eating. They do have a little more sugar than I would like, but a part of it is natural sugars.
  • Patti1023
    Patti1023 Posts: 78 Member
    I know I don't eat enough fruits & veggies, so I take a women's multivitamin & a chewable vitamin c, & I also take a calcium chew since I very rarely drink milk.
  • zaina510
    zaina510 Posts: 31 Member

    I eat these - because they are delicious :# . I got the gender neutral kind so me and SO can both eat it.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I eat the same ones, because they're delicious and they sell them at Costco in giant bottles. You know, Costco-sized bottles <g> I'm a very boring and habitual eater so it's a pretty safe assumption that I have some vitamin deficiencies and I don't feel like doing whatever I'd have to do to get more specific than that.
  • mile626
    mile626 Posts: 29
    30 years of evidence shows that, in general, Multivitamins are unnecessary and do nothing to improve health.

    In certain populations vitamins are helpful, but overwhelmingly for healthy people consuming a standard American diet, they do nothing.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    edited October 2014
    mile626 wrote: »
    30 years of evidence shows that, in general, Multivitamins are unnecessary and do nothing to improve health.

    In certain populations vitamins are helpful, but overwhelmingly for healthy people consuming a standard American diet, they do nothing.

    I remember several years ago seeing Charles Krauthammer on the news go on a rant about multivitamins, essentially saying that patients waste their time and money on supplements that don't do anything. He evidently sees the vitamin industry as a big scam. But that one rant has stuck with me enough that whenever I happen across multivitamins at the store, I always end up putting the vitamins back on the shelf. I should look into the subject more, but I frankly hadn't and Krauthammer's rant has at the very least had the effect of making me go "Nah" at the idea of making any impulse purchases on vitamins.

    Thanks for the link, interesting read.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If you do not eat a well-balanced diet (and keeping track would be like a full-time job), a MVN is a great idea.

    Other supplements - just take them if your doctor says you need them. They run those labs every year. :)

    Taking extra Vitamin C can't help you if you already have enough. You'll just pee it out. Spending money on supplements you don't need is literally pissing your money away.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I take the supplements recommended by my doctor: Multivitimin, Calcium plus vitaminD, Salmon or Red Krill oil, probiotic.

    Everything I take is from Puritain's Pride because they're inexpensive and I trust them. For the Multi vitimin I get the Women's formula without iron.. It calls for TWO caplets a day. I take two when I'm eating at a severe deficit and only one when I'm in maintenance. I take Puritian's pride brand red Krill oil, Probiotic 10 and Calcium citrate with vitaminD.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    the multi vits and minerals help prevent the damage at back of my eyes getting worse.

    When I had my eye test at the hospital 12 months ago damage was almost gone so I bought into the crap that multi vits were rubbish and that diet alone was fine.

    So I stopped taking them

    4 months on next eye test, eye damage had gotten rather bad again.

    So I started to take the multi vits again, another 4 months on, another eye test, damage was back to being minimal again.

    So i'm a believer in them, take one daily religiously.
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    Retinal tears/thin spots? I have that. I had some laser surgery a couple years ago and all's been well since then... guess I'll keep up my multi-vitamin with lutein in case it's working!
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    I take a glass of Ecodrink every day.
  • clewpage
    clewpage Posts: 44 Member
    Multi-vitamins often only result in really expensive, and colorful, pee.
    You should have a physical every year, with a full blood work pu. If you are lacking in a specific vitamin, you should take that specific vitamin, otherwise you should get all your necessary nutrients from your food.
    Don't waste money on a bunch vitamins you aren't lacking.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I use a multi vitamin by controlled labs, that also has stuff for joints in it....
    Has helped me.
    Controlled Labs Orange Triad
  • itsfeast4dabeast
    itsfeast4dabeast Posts: 21 Member
    I think multi-vitamins are very important. I take two high quality ones per day. Also take 4000mg of vitamin c
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    If your nutrition is good then it's probably not necessary. Think of a multi-vitamin like an insurance policy, it's there just in case you're not getting enough. They're not going to hurt a healthy individual.