Quitting bulimia and getting back on my feet?

I've been bulimic for about 4 months now, starting during a diet. I had eaten unhealthy and thought "well if I try puking just once I can be back on track tomorrow." Sadly this didn't work how I intended back then and it's been giving me horrible stomach aches and headaches and chest pains and all that and I haven't lost weight, the bloating is terrible, etc.

I decided to stop puking (though it's hard) yesterday i intended to quit cold turkey but that didn't work. I only purged twice but nonetheless..

I need advice. If anyone, preferably experienced or having knowledge in what I'm going through now, could help me get back on my feet with healthy weight loss and to help me end my bad habits I would appreciate that so much. No negative comments please, I wanna stay positive and get focused..


  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    Good on you for deciding to stop, but disordered behaviors are very hard to kick. First, SEE A THERAPIST. This might seem harsh, but a therapist will help you not only work through binging and purging behaviors, but the issues at the root of them. The support will make a huge difference.

    The sooner, the better, because the effects will last with you. Things will get better, and you have the strength to get back on your feet and back on track. Your health is so much more than what's on the scale.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Yes, before asking advice from random strangers online, go see a professional.

    Hope you can get this sorted out.