How many calories do you estimate to be in this amount of rice/chilli?

I've taken 2 pictures of it, I was unable to weigh it beforehand.
Please could you estimate how many calories you think are in that amount of rice, and in that amount of chilli (cooked with turkey mince).
I put the fork there as a comparison size, I know you can't give me an exact amount but a very rough estimate is fine. Thanks :)4t4hd1lrykvf.jpg


  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Eh.. 300 for the rice, 200 for the chili?
  • sophie42222
    annette_15 wrote: »
    Eh.. 300 for the rice, 200 for the chili?

    thanks :)
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Here is my best estimate:
    1 cup of white rice cooked = 242 calories
    1 cup of chili w/lean meat = 202 calories
    My wife makes a very similar chili recipe with 96% lean ground beef and kidney beans.
    Hope this helps.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    This is an absolutely ridiculous/imp[ossible/lazy question.

    1. Do the work yourself.
    2. It is impossible, from the picture, to tell how much rice is there. It could be a mound, it could be hallow. It could be a little rice with a big pile of chili.
    3. It is impossible to tell how big a plate that is, how many pockets of air there are, how many beans vs chunks of meat.
    4. I have no way of knowing what's IN your chili. I can make chili that looks hearty that's made with fresh tomatoes and vegan ground beef plus beans. You can also make chili with sticks of butter, stock, oil, full fat ground beef, beans soaked/cooked in broth.

    Even using measuring cups is a poor way to measure rice. Cook up the meal a 2nd time and do it properly, if you care so much. Then, the best estimate you can do is by replicating the plate you had. Even that will be a very rough estimate.