Ready to walk my talk!!

Hello!! I'm Lori. I'm 5'5", 45 and have been passionate about health, wellness and fitness for as long as I can remember. I was a personal trainer in the past and am a certified health coach. During my 20's and early 30's I was in the gym and could eat mostly what I wanted. If I did gain a few pounds, it was very easy to get them off and get back into the groove! My weight stayed around 126 with a low body fat. Enter the 30's - at about 35 and single again, I started socializing more - eating out, drinking and not making it to the gym as regularly. I gained a couple of pounds per year, which looking back, I realize snuck up on me. It's not that I didn't worry about it, but I always thought I could just get it back off quickly if I put my mind to it. Then I hit 40 and every time I tried dieting I struggled. I ate pretty well and spent about 12 years being a vegetarian (sometimes vegan and sometimes raw!) but during the vegetarian years, I was eating bread and pasta as well as bites of whatever I was making for my kids.
- Fast forward to 45... I got married again, have a grand baby on the way AND hit my all time high of 153 lbs. Time to do something! I can remember when I was devastated when the scale hit 130. Then the days of thinking "as long as it doesn't go over 140"! When I hit 150 and then 153 I knew it was time to take some serious action. As a health coach I'm putting meal plans together for others, teaching nutrition, wellness and work out programs and here I was at 25 pounds over my target weight. I started a nutritional cleansing program a couple of weeks ago and as of this morning am at 140 pounds. I'm determined to finish this out and see the 120's on my scale again, so joined this site to find others in the same situation. I know the last 12-15 lbs are always the hardest!! I'm excited for the accountability and motivation but I also know that I get motivated by helping others, so feel free to friend or message me if you need some butt-kicking! :) Let's do this!
