Super Hungry....

As a longtime addict to cigarettes, sodas and junk food, it has been a three-year long process for me to quit those things. I've been smoke-free since June, Red-meat free for several years, and soda free for about two weeks. I've been taking my time, slowly fazing things out and adding better things. I started working out once a week about 12 months ago, and recently upped it to two times a week about six months ago, then three times a week about two months ago. Making the process slow has made it much much easier, and I've been able to stick to it better than I even have before.

I feel like I have had a lot of successes, until my company did our yearly physical. We get a discount for our health insurance if we get a physical done, complete with blood work. When my results came back, I panicked. All of my bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and other bad things were high, and my good cholesterol was low (My blood pressure, pulse, and blood sugar were perfect, however).

Since my mother had a heart attack at 54 last year, I got a little scared, and ramped up my diet schedule. I stopped eating desserts and stopped drinking soda. I've cut back on carbs and almost completely cut out processed foods.

But now I'm starving all the time. No matter how much water I drink or good food I eat, it seems like I'm never full. Even the 20 oz Greek yogurt, almond milk, and fruit smoothies I've been making in the morning don't fill me. Oatmeal doesn't fill me. Nuts and fruits don't. The 50+ oz of water I drink everyday doesn't either. I go through my whole day hungry, and have a hard time not stuffing my face with the next food I see, healthy or not.

What's wrong with me? Is it too much change, too quickly? Is this something that goes away over time?

I currently weight 215 pounds, and I am 6 feet tall. I am of a large, Scandinavian/German build, and a good goal weight for me would be about 165-170. Am I not drinking enough water for my height and weight?

Thanks everyone!


  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    What is your fat intake like? You might need to add more fat to your diet: nuts, nut butter, avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, etc. Also make sure you are getting enough protein.
  • gaelowyn_pt_duex
    gaelowyn_pt_duex Posts: 135 Member
    Healthy fats maybe? When fats hit your small intestine, a hormone is released that slows down the emptying speed of your stomach, which can then aid in feeling fuller longer. sure the nuts and other things have healthy fats in them.. I'd say maybe get in some using Olive oil vinagrette on salad, or drizzled over broccoli. Your body still needs whole carbs for fuel. In my opinion(and i'm not a dietician or nutritionist) I find I feel fuller, longer, with a well balanced meal. I actually eat 4-5 small meals a day. Each one has a whole grain component, fruit and/or veg, some source of protein, and some healthy fat. If i'm needing to keep it smaller calorie wise, I forgo the whole grain portion. I'm still losing, like you, steadily and slowly.
  • Is there some kind of calculator to know if you are eating enough fats? I do have yogurts, nuts, natural oils (like olive oil) and almond butter/milk almost every day, but I'm not sure what the right number of them would be for me.
  • gaelowyn_pt_duex
    gaelowyn_pt_duex Posts: 135 Member
    Honestly, I don't know! I bet there's some sort of calculator out there for it.. maybe try Google.. I know you can adjust your macronutrient profile on MFP if you want. that will tell you how many grams of protien, fat and carbs you've eaten daily. Maybe look over your past few weeks entries and check out the nutrition profile, see if you're going over/under consistently in any area? This might help clue you in on what to try to add in, or if needed remove.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I get anywhere from 60-100g of fat. Usually about 30-40% of my diet is fat. Sometimes more. I just do better with a higher fat percentage. But everyone is different. You may just have to experiment to see what works for you.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It would help if you opened your diary.

    I'd try different things - add protein powder to your smoothie and see if it helps. Switch to 2% yogurt if you're using nonfat.

    I need a good mix of fiber, complex carbs, fat or protein to keep me full, personally. Oatmeal alone doesn't really fill me up, even with some fruit, but if I add some nut butter or have some bacon on the side I'm full much longer, for example. But give me just eggs and bacon and I'm starving an hour later... I need the complex carbs - oatmeal, potatoes, a bagel etc.

    Also your calories might just be too low. Go to and figure out what you should eat with a 20% deficit.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    When I (re)started MFP I was doing oatmeal for breakfast and was *starving*. I replaced it with eggs and hashbrowns and I feel much better. Definitely try some different options especially for your morning meal - if my first meal doesn't fill me up then nothing will all day.

    At 6 ft you should have a nice calorie budget to play with, so you don't have to feel like less is better all the time. Use up those calories.
  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    I don't know if this helps but I find that, ironically, on the days that I exercise I am less hungry.If this is true for you maybe add another day? Also, I agree with everybody on here about the good fat idea. I eat avacado a LOT. I also enjoy eggs and bacon for breakfast. I keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge and put those on salads and sandwiches. In my case, if I eat more protein I am much less hungry. I think, since everybody is different, there is quite a bit of trial and error that happens with weight loss. You shouldn't have to be hungry all the time just to lose weight.
  • Thanks everyone; I switched out my normal salad meal last night with some salmon and avocado and a salad and felt super full. I must have just been short on some fat! I'll have to start adding a little bit of extra good fat into every meal and see if that helps.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Milvardea wrote: »
    Thanks everyone; I switched out my normal salad meal last night with some salmon and avocado and a salad and felt super full. I must have just been short on some fat! I'll have to start adding a little bit of extra good fat into every meal and see if that helps.

    So glad to hear it! I hope it works for you!!

  • denisea3465
    denisea3465 Posts: 4 Member
    I am the same way. I had to drastically increase my protein intake in order to even feel slightly full, and it helps if I eat each meal balanced, as in protein, carbs and fats together. If I eat just a salad, or just meat, or just bread or other carbs, I am ravenous very soon after!