Self-control advice?

Any general ways to control yourself from tempting foods?(Note: I live in a household where junk food is everywhere, there is literally nothing healthy) Something that can turn my cravings for carbs and sugars down.


  • mellowkate
    mellowkate Posts: 32 Member
    Water. Water, water, water. I used to mindlessly graze because I was bored, and not even very hungry, so my #1 suggestion would be any time you think you're hungry and might find yourself wanting a brownie or chips, down a glass of water first. That helps curb appetite.

    Otherwise, my two go-to snacks are baby carrots and hummus (low-cal while still filling you up), or almonds (esp. if they have a little salt on them).

    Good luck! Hang in there! :)
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Didn't you just post a thread about this?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Decide whether you wnat to commit to losing and ask yourself what you are prepared to do to maintain your diet. If you are that tempted by such foods then dont have them around or put them beyond your access. Those foods will be there after your diet as well, so to some extent yolou have to learn how to moderate and limit your calorie intake.
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    In our house, he keeps all the junk in the office. Cookies, candy, cakes, ect. I look at it as his and not mine and that seems to make a difference. I would feel like I was stealing from him if I took any of it. I ask when I have the calories to have them and he dishes out the amount I can have according to my calories I have left at night. If I don't have the calories for it, I don't ask or I turn it down when he offers it. Out of sight out of mind for me. I also have things that are healthier options that he doesn't touch so it all works out.
  • ransaka
    ransaka Posts: 135 Member
    The mirror. Look in the mirror. Admire your progress to date and decide what you want to do. Nothing wrong with eating "crap" food now and again, something wrong with eating it constantly.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Nope, make sure there is room in my allotment and eat what I want.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    have a look at a website called This tries to sell you stuff which you don't need but there is a lot of information about sugar cravings. I find it best to leave it well alone and don't have any :-) Good luck.
  • jane837
    jane837 Posts: 68 Member
    Can you shop for some healthy, filling snacks to keep around as an alternative? I always have a huge stash of fruits, snackable raw veggies (baby carrots, snap peas, celery sticks), nuts, hummus, string cheese, etc. As much as I love the junky stuff, I find that I stay full much longer and have fewer cravings if I'm eating foods with a good balance of healthy fats, proteins, and fiber.

    That being said, it's totally fine to eat the junky food in moderation! I eat a couple of pieces of candy (usually Snickers minis) almost once a day at work, but I make sure I save room for it by cutting back somewhere else.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Best way would be to get the junk food out of the house. Do everything you can to get as much of it as you can out. Since it sounds like you probably can't get a lot of it out, pick one food (say, no twix bars or no doritos) each day that you will resolve not to eat. Start small, then when you have had some success, make it several foods or a food type (like no chips or no chocolate) or extend the period of time. It doesn't seem like much, but I was amazed that after a while, I don't crave those foods anymore. In fact, I can't finish a whole can of coke anymore (so horribly sweet!) and I don't want those grab bags of chips at sandwich places.

    Start with small goals you can manage. Don't beat yourself up if you miss some days. Tomorrow is a new day with goals you can manage.
  • sansaeverdeen
    sansaeverdeen Posts: 13 Member
    pander101 wrote: »
    Didn't you just post a thread about this?

    Oh no! The thread police have arrived!
    We can't have people polluting the forums with 2 of the same relevant posts!
  • Haters4less
    pander101 wrote: »
    Didn't you just post a thread about this?

    Oh no! The thread police have arrived!
    We can't have people polluting the forums with 2 of the same relevant posts!

    XD I did realize I kind of asked the same question twice
  • dippydoo
    dippydoo Posts: 10 Member
    Sounds like you may have children around that have their snacks available for you. Make a big change the next time you shop.....spend the same amount of dollars on food that is delicious and enjoyable for you and won't wreck your diet. Additionally, you might make some little plastic bags of a few treats for your snack time.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    pander101 wrote: »
    Didn't you just post a thread about this?

    Oh no! The thread police have arrived!
    We can't have people polluting the forums with 2 of the same relevant posts!

    No, we can't, lol. It's considered spam.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    menchi wrote: »
    Best way would be to get the junk food out of the house. Do everything you can to get as much of it as you can out. Since it sounds like you probably can't get a lot of it out, pick one food (say, no twix bars or no doritos) each day that you will resolve not to eat. Start small, then when you have had some success, make it several foods or a food type (like no chips or no chocolate) or extend the period of time. It doesn't seem like much, but I was amazed that after a while, I don't crave those foods anymore. In fact, I can't finish a whole can of coke anymore (so horribly sweet!) and I don't want those grab bags of chips at sandwich places.

    Start with small goals you can manage. Don't beat yourself up if you miss some days. Tomorrow is a new day with goals you can manage.
    Seeing as how she is 19 I'm assuming she is still living at home with her family. I would not be happy if my child just started tossing the foods I bought.
    OP there will always be temptation in life. Buy some lower calorie snacks for yourself and eat the higher calorie/less filling/less nutrient dense foods in moderation.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Fruit and willpower.
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    If I have the room in my calorie allotment, I'll eat it.

    However, if I don't...

    I'll either try to "earn" it by exercise or remind myself that I need to choose long term health over short term pleasure provided by food.

    I'll also drink water, decaffeinated coffee/tea or have a protein shake.

    Some days are harder than others.

  • GordieLaChance
    I have no self-control when it comes to chocolate and pizza :\
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited October 2014

    aside from that....go keto. It naturally abolishes your desire to have carbs. Since that is your goal, that is the best way to get there. Hands down. It is like any other thing that the body craves. If we quit having it, we have less desire to have it. Quit smoking cigarettes, we have no desire to have cigarettes. Quit drinking liquor, we (usually) have no desire to be shotfaced drunk. So, the same can be said for carbs.